

GSAコミュのと、思ったらやっぱりPaul Oakenfold!!

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Zouk Singapore - May 5, 2006
Wed May 24, 2006

Friday 5 May, Zouk Singapore: Coachella and onwards to Zouk, the home of Dance in S.E Asia..."Without doubt the Best system in the World"

We leave L.A.X with the memorable experience of Coachella, apart from Paul playing before Madonna to an ecstatic audience count of some 30,000 which was amazing to be a part of, the two day event consisted of 94 acts playing in 5 different arena's and including headliners Massive Attack, Depeche Mode, Tool, Franz Ferdinand the Scissor Sisters the Yeah Yeah's, the Rakes, Audio Bully's. Metric and an unforgettable powerful 'come back' set from Daft Punk. The event was incredible, it took time to get over, but now were in a completely different mode as we jump on an 18 hour non stop flight to Singapore to play at Asia's premiere club 'Zouk' and the start of a five gig tour in Singapore Thailand and China.
Catching up on some much needed sleep during the flight that was left out of our schedule in L.A, we touch down Singapore at 5.am, a pick up from airport to hotel, check in, drop the luggage off then hit the breakfast buffet, then being that were ahead of L.A by 17 hours and London by 8, catch up on some work and get ahead of the game ... which is unusual.
It's great to be back in Asia, a vibe like no other, after a day of it we hook up for dinner with Paul's good friend since 1991 and the man responsible for the whole concept of 'Zouk' Lincoln Cheng.
Lincoln started Zouk in 1990 after trips to Ibiza in 1987, at that time he recognised musically what was going on to the extent he took it to heart and brought it home;
'I can see that it was a pivotal moment in Dance Music'
says Lincoln ... a Musical moment that would soon spread over the Globe'
>From this he brought back the elements of Amnesia Ibiza, promoted warehouse parties bringing like minded people of Singapore together under one collective consciousness and so 'Zouk' was born.
Over the years Lincoln and his team he have been responsible for building Zouk together, providing Singapore with Dance music from 'All' the Global DJ's from every scene and so educating a generation of Singaporeans to Dance that thrives today.
After an amazing dinner and a catch up chat we leave to take a look at the constant changing Zouk. Walking around the Club it reminds me of the time Paul first played here in Christmas 1992, it was amazing to think even then there was such a club that existed so far advanced in all of S.E Asia, that could hold it's own anywhere in the world, and it still holds that advantage. There are many changes been made here over the years at Zouk and its other two off shot rooms Phuture and Velvet, it sems to be in a constant flux of change, in Velvet we hook up with Aldrin long time resident at Zouk were told of the awesome 'Gary Stewart Audio' (GSA) sound system newly fitted last October, borrowing a bunch of records and CD's we go to take a listen, its an eager opportunity to sound check.
The GSA custom sound system takes centre stage at Zouk, we are awe struck as we are told the technical spec's ... the system comprises of 4 towering five metre high speaker stacks complete with 2.5 metre wide Expontential sub bass horns placed at each corner of the floor with their own individual built in full 2 range quad amps, and 6 well place Tweeters ... its a monster of sweet sound, the tech spec continues...its an Analogue system, No compressors, No limiters, every CDJ goes through a digital to analogue converter, All connections have been hand built to maintain a level of perfection ... the Mixer, an original beautifully reconditioned UREI ... as Aldrin fires it up Paul can't wait to get his hands on, he crank's it up, ... its a warm, rounded truly balanced sound that fill's the floor ... money has been no object in this acquisition...the end result... A sound on a level of perfection that if/when cranked right up is louder then a 747 taking off...an audio phenomenon.
Later, back at Velvet, still amazed by what we have just heard, were met by Aveline Lincoln's wife and a tray of Fimosa's, its great to see her and we all carry on anf finish these.
Its an early start next day, and is totally work filled, Paul has 4 interviews with magazine journals Today, Juice, Maxim, and FHM to be conducted at the busy Zouk offices plus downloads of work in progress stuff to listen too and a constant bombardment of Email's to answer, this keeps us working having to cancel dinner until we have to leave for the Club.
We enter Zouk from the back entrance the roar goes up as Paul enters the Booth, the place is completely rammed, the famous Zouk 'Claxton' and horns are sounded and the dry ice machine fired. Paul takes the praise then moves with his vocal intro, a re edit of a track soon to be released, the loyal Zouk following react in time knowing that Paul will be taking them higher and that much further along his journey, moving onto a more melodic sound its again becomes obvious that Zouk out of most clubs have a very educated type of crowd they don't move to anything and are very aware of what makes them vibe, realising;
"Were not in America now"
Paul moves them into more uncharted sounds holding their attention the reaction is unanimous they love it, with Lincoln by the sound desk the Claxton and horns are sounded and the roar goes up, this is the Zouk phenomenon... DJ and crowd coming together... as Paul sips his GreyGoose and Tonic whilst a tray of Tequila and small lethal blue shots get's offered around he produces 20 minutes of everyone joining in, a great vibe is attained then he asks the fatal question and one that Lincoln earlier told us can be a mistake;
"Is it loud enough?"
Because this is a unique quality system its can be misleading judging what your pushing out and how loud it is , although there is a Db counter on the side of the consul, subsequently it could make the DJ believe its not enough ... Paul cranks it even further, the Db's going up from a snug 117 to 122 Oakey's lovin it not realising its pumping out on the floor then it comes...a message from the Dance floor;
"Dear Paul we love you a million, but can you please turn it down?"
"Is this a Joke?"
it has us all laughing ... Oakey saying;
"Well, it's like a Ferrari there's no point in having the power unless you can open it up once in a while!"
he complies back to a modest 117 Db's ... with the sound returned to a nice level the rest of the night Paul builds his final response to the Zouk faithfulls the repoire is excellent, bowing out as he hands over for Aldrin to take over as he keeps the floor locked until 5. am... Paul comment's;
"That has to be the best system I have ever played on, it has to be the best in the World...where's Lincoln I have to tell him!"
... We mix it up with friends and sampling shots and hangin out until the end of night.
Zouk, has always been the club for bringing people together in Music Dance and Friendship it remains at being the best because it simply is, and about that sound system...undoutably there is no other. 10/10.



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