

ちくちゅ(築中)英会話サークルコミュの英JOY KEYWORDS & PHRASES その2

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EXAMPLE: You are naive! I am not naive! Don't be so naive

EXAMPLE: You are too sensitive. I am sensitive. I want a sensitive man.

EXAMPLE: You are astute. That was an astute observation

EXAMPLE: You are being sarcastic. Don't be sarcastic!
Are you being sarcastic?

Inside Joke、インサイジョウク:友達やグループの中でしかわからない、理解できない冗談
EXAMPLE: It's an inside joke.

EXAMPLE: You are being selfish. You are selfish.

EXAMPLE: You are so spoiled. That food is spoiled. I spoil my children.

EXAMPLE: You are so cheap. I am a cheap person. This restaurant is very cheap. Is it cheap?

EXAMPLE: I will post a message on Mixi tomorrow. I will post a flier in the office.

EXAMPLE: This test is easy. Work was easy today. She is easy.

EXAMPLE: She is my mother-in-law. He is my father-in-law. He is my brother-in-law.

EXAMPLE: She is a widow. I am widowed.

Cheating, チーティン:せこいまね、カンニング、卑怯、ずるいなど
EXAMPLE: You are cheating! Don`t cheat! That is cheating! I cheated on the test.

Hook up, フカップ:つき合う事、カップルになる
EXAMPLE: Let's hook up. I want to hook up with her. Did they hook up?

Vice versa, ヴァイスヴェーサー:その言ってるの反対、お互い様
EXAMPLE: Boys must do this and vice versa for girls. He hates her and vice versa, she hates him.

Left overs、レフトォヴェーズ:残り物
EXAMPLE: We are having left overs for dinner. Take what is left over. Are there any left overs?

EXAMPLE: I am blaming him for the mistake. I will take the blame.

EXAMPLE: I will remain in Japan for 1 one more year. My heart will remain in America. It will remain the same.

EXAMPLE: Can you fix my car? I will fix my table. The game was fixed. This is a fixed price.

EXAMPLE: It's genetic. It's just genetic. I can't help it, it's genetic.

EXAMPLE: I am giving you a warning. There is a thunderstorm warning right now. I warned you not to do that.

Obligation, アーブレーゲイシャン:義務、行きたくないやりたくないのに行く、やる。
EXAMPLE: I don't want to go, but I'm obligated. It's an obligation.

Feature, フィーチァー:特徴,特色
EXAMPLE: Her facial features are beautiful. The features of this computer are amazing. The show will feature many celebrities.

Property, プァプェーティー:だれかの物、自分の物、財産、所有物
EXAMPLE: This is my property. That is his property.

EXAMPLE: I have very high metabolism. I am fat because my metabolism is low.

EXAMPLE: I am very superstitious. Are you superstitious?

EXAMPLE: I believe in Karma. That is bad karma. Do you believe in Karma?

EXAMPLE: Go straight down this road. I`m not lying, I`m straight. Are you gay or straight?

EXAMPLE: I have terrible migraines all the time. I have a migraine, I need to rest.

EXAMPLE: I do not like the texture of bananas. The texture of this apple is very hard.

EXAMPLE: Education is important. All students will receive an education in school.

EXAMPLE: The government is corrupt. There is a lot of corruption in the police force. The Yakuza businesses are corrupt.

Public Servant、プァブレック セゥーヴァンテゥ:公務員
EXAMPLE: Teachers, Police officers and fire fighters are all public servants.

"I don't care"、アイドオンケーァ:どうでもいい!気にしない、興味ない
EXAMPLE: I don`t care if she is upset. You can use my bike, I don`t care. That`s ok, I don`t care. I don`t care for baseball.

EXAMPLE: He is a pig! You`re such a pig! There was a pig on the farm.

EXAMPLE: She is a bitch! You are such a bitch! This work is such a bitch!

Update, アップデイテゥ:新しくする、最新, 更新
EXAMPLE: I will update my Mixi page. We have a updated news tonight. I will update my computer.

Trust, チュアステゥ;信用、信じる
EXAMPLE: I trust you. I do not trust you. I trust that you will do a good job. I trust my parents.

Depend, ディペンデゥ:信頼、頼る, 因る
EXAMPLE: I depend on my parents for money. We will go outside depending on the weather. We depend on each other.

Influence, エンフルゥエンス:影響する、される
EXAMPLE: Ichiro has influenced me to play baseball. Parents are a big influence on their children. What has influenced you in your life?

Legal, リーグァル:合法的、とにかくやっても犯罪ではない事
EXAMPLE: Smoking a cigarette at age 18 is legal. It is legal to gamble in Las Vegas.

Illegal, イリーグァル:Legal の反対、やってはいけない事、やると犯罪である事
EXAMPLE: Driving drunk is illegal. It is illegal to use drugs. Entering Japan with no passport is illegal.

Employee, エムプローイー:何処かの会社や店の仕事人
EXAMPLE: I am an employee of McDonalds. There are too many employees at BEST DENKI.

Crime, クゥアイム:犯罪、罪、罪業、illegalな事
EXAMPLE: Stealing is a crime. It is a crime to kill someone. There is a lot of crime in America.

"We'll see", ウイーゥルスィー:待って見る、待って見るしかない、見てのお楽しみ, 見ればわかる
EXAMPLE: We'll see if the weather is nice tomorrow. We'll see if we can make it. Let's watch the movie and we'll see how we like it.

Foreigner, フォエヌェー:外国人
EXAMPLE: There are many foreigners in the USA. I am a foreigner in this country.

Equipment, イクィップメンテゥ:装備
EXAMPLE: The dentist uses a lot of equipment to fix teeth. The baseball team has a lot of equipment to use for games.

Tomboy, タームボゥイ:男の遊びが好きな女性、男らしい性格
EXAMPLE: She is a tomboy who likes to play sports with boys. My sister does not like dolls or clothes, she is a tomboy.

Tomgirl, タームグァール:女の遊びが好きな男性、女らしい性格
EXAMPLE: He does not like to play with boys, he is a tomgirl. He is a tomgirl because he likes to play with dolls.

Masculine, メァースキュルィン:すごく男らしい、
EXAMPLE: You are very masculine. She is masculine because she is tough like a man.

Feminine, フェメネン:すごく女らしい
EXAMPLE: You are very feminine. He is a very feminine man because he speaks very softly.

Deny, ディナイ:受け入れない、どうしても信じない、信じようとしない
EXAMPLE: Your acceptance to the University has been denied. You are denying the fact that you lost. Don't deny your actions.

Compatible, カムプァティブォウル:よく会う、いい組み合わせ
EXAMPLE: They are a very compatible couple. The members of the group are compatible with one another. This computer is compatible with this software.

Opportunity, アップァテューヌィティー:機会、またはチャンス
EXAMPLE: This is a good opportunity to learn English. I have many opportunities to meet people.

Sloppy, スラーピィ:行儀悪い、中途半端、汚いやり方、しっかりやっていない
EXAMPLE: Your writing is so sloppy! You are a sloppy eater! My speech is very sloppy.

Messy, メスィー:汚い、ゴチャゴチャ、汚れてる、散らかってる
EXAMPLE: I am a messy eater. This room is so messy! My hair is messy. I made a mess.

Blushing, ブラッシング:赤くなる、顔が真っ赤になる、照れる
EXAMPLE: You are blushing! Stop, you're making me blush! Do I make you blush?

Emabarass, エムブェアス:恥ずかしい、恥、恥ずかしがる
EXAMPLE: That is very embarassing. I am embarassed now. I do not want to embarass myself.

Turning, テゥーニング:曲がる事、変化する、変わる
EXAMPLE: Turn left on this street after the sign. The seed is turning into a flower. Her face was turning red when she was embarassed.

Focus, フォゥカス:集中する事、話題、注目
EXAMPLE: Focus on your school work! You must focus during the test to do well. Today's focus will be on American History. The focus of this chapter is food.

Concentrate, カンセンチュエイテゥ:集中する事、濃くする、細かくする
EXAMPLE: I would like to concentrate on this topic. This sauce tastes very concentrated. We have concentrated this group into smaller groups.

Smirk, スムェーク:ニヤニヤする、怪しい何かを企んでる笑顔
EXAMPLE: Why are you smirking? Your joke made me smirk. He is smirking at her for no reason.

Spaced out: スぺイステゥ アゥテゥ:ボーっとしてる
EXAMPLE: Why are you so spaced out? Don't get spaced out, focus!! You look very spaced out.

"Makes sense", メイクセンス:いい考え、確かにそう、そう言えばそうだね
EXAMPLE: Good idea, that makes sense! You're right, that makes sense! You are not making sense.

Common sense, カーマンセンス:常識、当たり前
EXAMPLE: Don't be foolish, use common sense! It is common sense to know fire is dangerous.

"Being nice", ビーング ナイス:いい事をしてあげたいだけ、本気でもないのに言うだけ
EXAMPLE: I am just trying to be nice! I offered my chair just to be nice. I am just being nice.



I am just being nice.
なんだけどね(Just kidding)

おぉ〜??( ̄口 ̄)
おつまみ放題☆いつもThank you(=^▽^=)



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