

暴走バイセコーコミュのThe existance of freewill

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“What is the problem of freewill? Outline and defend your favoured solution to the problem”

There are several number of problems against the thesis of freewill. The freewill can be defined as the will which is not forced by someone else to do or the will which should be chosen freely by the person depended on a situation or circumstance. The biggest contradiction of thesis of freewill is the thesis of universal causation which consists of determinism, causal determinism and hard determinism, absolutely negative view on freewill. The universal causation means all of events are fully led by previous event. Obviously, these two theses are controversial because of contradictions, so I will show you the possible solutions of this contradiction and support my favoured solution of it. The arguments to support my favoured ideas will be that the existence of freewill based on a determinism and the existence of unconsciousness freewill, but there will be still controversial, so the last argument will be the corporation of above two ideas based on human mentality. Then these 3 theories will be assessed and justified.

The first view point is that freewill exists based on the determinism. It means freewill is fully controlled by the determinism. This is because physically people can think and chose due to our abilities provably our physical constructs such as a blain. These first abilities that we have are not selective to get it, so it can be said against freewill, so it is determinism.
For example, if I meet A by fate, then I can choose whatever I take A or ignore A. It seems that these responses for A looks freewill, but the condition that I face A and the reason why A exists is a determination or fate. Therefore, the freewill derived from a determination.
The objections to above example might be the determination also can be freewill because situation A has been led by previous decision which is freewill.        However, the previous decision is also derived from a previous situation and its determination would be derived from other freewill. Potentially, people can think and choose because of our abilities and fate. Of course the potential gifts per person are different so it is not correct that all of the second –stringers are lack of efforts compared with regular player as all of peoples abilities are different including height.
Therefore, the first cause of freewill is a determination. Hence, the thesis of freewill and the thesis of determination are chained, so freewill exists based on the determinism and basically determinism exists as first cause.

A second argument point is that an existence of unconscious of freewill. The first paragraph suggested that the kind of existence of freewill and determinism, and I figured that the first cause of freewill could be a fate since people have some abilities and capabilities at first. However, in other word people have decision except for a first cause which is the nativity. Actually, human beings cannot chose weather bear or not, so it shows that some fates can exist, but after that it can be said that a life is fully controlled by freewill and sometimes “unconscious freewill”. An example of unconscious freewill is that when a coin is flipped, there is an outcome hand or tail. Apparently, there is no choice to get hand or tail which is not selective, but actually, the outcome has been determined by his or her force to toss but people could not notice because the result is unexpected. Another example is that an infant cries when he or she is hungry, maybe they cannot stop crying by their own. It seems that there is no choice for them but there is, survive or not. It can be said unconscious freewill.
However, there are some contradictions between freewill and unconscious freewill because both of might be selective as I mentioned, but there are force to chose it. Human being are designed to survive basically, in other words we created to live naturally with unconscious freewill but we can chose not survive. It can be called freewill. Therefore, a life is fully controlled by freewill and unconscious freewill except for a first cause which is birth.

The third hypothesis about determinism is that people made determinism to support their mentality. It is natural to think that when human being has been faced a significant circumstance and had to decide something probably without any critical reasons, they would throw oneself on something as their satisfactory. This something should be the origin of fate or determinism likewise atheists argue that the God has been created by people to avoid a fear of death. It is because we cannot live for nothing like a dog dose. I guess this process is absolutely people call the determinism. It should always works when people made a decision because they do not need to owe any responsibilities.
However, as I mentioned in paragraph 1, human beings are destined to think and chose due to their potential abilities to think and I defined this is determinism.
Therefore, this theory that I mentioned 1 paragraph and a theory that I suggest determination that people absolutely think it is determinism would be different. The first possible step that latter determinism has been created are derived from freewill, because a former type of determinism that I mentioned in paragraph 1, I will call neo-determinism make people think and chose potentially. Nevertheless, sometimes human being cannot stand the pressure from their decision, so we made determinism. Actually, it is possible that some freewill is forced by neo-determinism as I mentioned in paragraph1.
What I wanted to explain in this paragraph are people are determined to think because of their abilities that I call neo-determinism, and after that people have freewill to do anything, meanwhile we faced the critical pressure to make decision, so we blamed on our fate or determinism.

According to above arguments my three views on thesis of freewill and determinism are

(1) Freewill exists based on determinism

(2) Our lives are fully selective by freewill or unconscious freewill except for our birth.

(3) A determinism that people mentioned usually derived from our freewill and its freewill have been created by potentialities as well as I mentioned in paragraph 1 that I call neo-determinism.

The above each conclusion seems to be sound, and there might be no contradiction between conclusions (1), (2) and (3). Therefore, the theses of hard determinism, the idea which support a universal causation and has absolutely negative view on freewill are denied nether fatalism, the idea that there will be no different outcome whatever we choose, a result will be same. The reason why these are false is that people definitely have freewill and these argument are the exactly same as I mentioned in 3rd paragraph.

In conclusion, I argued and analyzed my favoured solution on freewill with my arguments, which are existence of freewill based on determinism, existence of unconscious freewill and existence of neo-determinism and differences between determinism that people usually mentioned and neo-determinism. After all, I concluded each paragraph (1), (2) and (3). Actually, there would be no contradiction between (1), (2) and (3), but perhaps (3) can justify other conclusions. It is because paragraph 3 argued that possible views on determinism that usually people think and conclude that determinism and freewill consists of neo-determinism. However, if people perceive the existence of neo-determinism, we cannot deal the pressures when we chose any critical decisions. Nevertheless, we have to think and argue because we are potentially fated to.


Hey, I dont undersrand what is freewill. too difficult 4 me :;( u hav finished up this in one nite havnt u??
well done-!! How r u improving writting skill?? tell me a good way! ;)



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