

ハーフ日本人 Half JapaneseコミュのMy Take on the Whole Japanese Nationalism Issue

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Disclaimer: I am not trying to attack anyone. So, please do not take this personally. I am only trying to explain how I understand Japanese nationalism and I welcome criticism. After all, that's one of the reasons why some of these online communities exist. あと注意として日本語と英語が混ざってるって事。


Certainly understandable that there are people on the right and on the left as well as in the middle. でもI just don't buy why people always associate a specific set of ideas and beliefs with a certain orientation (right, left, and etc...)

For example, one can be left and certainly be nationalistic. まあSemantic上の問題なんだけど、People do tend to want to have this bipolarized picture of political opinions. でもIt's just a model that helps you understand the overall structue, and it's not necessarily the true depiction of it. もちろん多くの人がそう思うという事は, it means that this model is somewhat reflective of the reality, but perhaps, not on certain levels or on certain issues.


In Japan, nationalism has a lot to do with the Japanese ethnicity. 国民国家という表現があるでしょ?Even though Japan is not as racially homogenous as some people might make it to be, Japan is more of a mononational-state like Sweden, Denmark, and etc...

nation=ethnic groupという考えに基づくと、

アメリカはMultinational state - it is a state with numerous nations. And Israel would be a binational state - Israelis, and the Palestinian citizens in Israel

そしてJapanese nationalismの問題点の一つは国民国家という考えが癒着している事だろう。It's not a citizenship-based nationalism, but it is a nationality-based or ethnicity-based natioanlism. もちろんこれはイスラエルのような国にとっても非常に大きな問題な訳だ。

日本には国籍を持たずに日本人としての生活を強制されている韓国人だっているわけだ。もちろん、彼らの中にも色々なパータンがある。あえて日本に残った人や、あえて日本国籍を取得せずに日本の中で韓国系コミュ二ティを発展させようと思った人、そして”日本人”として普通に過ごそうとしている人もいる。それぞれ動機は違うし、legal statusも違う訳だが、日本のナショナリズムを語る時に、それがポストコロニアリズムというコンテクスト無しには語れないというのは事実だ。そして、日本国籍を持っていない韓国人の中には、例えば北朝鮮系だったりすると国籍自体が無い事がある。そういう人達に対する色々な保障というのはどうなんだろう。彼らは日本人と同じように税金を払っているし、日本が彼らを連れて来たのだ。そして、植民地時代彼らは朝鮮が日本領土だった事もあって、日本国籍を持っていたのだった。しかし、戦争後、朝鮮は独立し、日本は朝鮮系日本人の日本国籍を無効にしたのだ。しかし彼らの祖国は分かれ、国交の無い北朝鮮に帰れなくなった人もいるのだ。アレンジメントがなされた事で帰れた人もいたが残った人の方が多かった。また、彼らの多くは文化的にはより日本に親近感を抱いていた。しかし日本の移民法は彼らに厳しかった。そして最近まで就職でも韓国、朝鮮系には差別があった。それでも日本政府は法的には彼らに日本人である事を許さず、しかし日本人として生活することをPassively forcedしたのだ。

日本国籍というものが日本民族と強くつながっている限り、Koreans in Japanの多くは日本国籍を取得するのに負い目を感じるだろう。国籍と民族がつながっているから、They are not allowed to embrace their Korean part of heritage. Have you ever wondered why there is no such thing as Korean-Japanese? 韓国系日本人という言い方はあまり使われない。なぜなら、世間的な考え方が日本人=Ethnic Japaneseであり、Ethnic subgroupという考え方とはalmost mutually exclusive だからだ。
これはハーフについても言える事だろう。Especially because most "haafus" are phenotypically different from most full-blooded Japanese.

一方的な右翼的なナショナリズムでも、左翼的なナショナリズムでもない、Contexualizedされたものが必要。そしてハーフや、在日韓国人、Naturalized Japaneseとかのアイデンテティーを受け入れるには、”日本人”という概念に変化が求められているのではないか?そして、国民国家ではない、市民国家としての日本という姿は一つの答えかもしれない。


Sorry I didn't mean to post four times. Crappy internet connection...I kept on resending it because it didn't seem to be sending.
Thanks. I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Wassup yando, this is an interesting issue on integration and perception. Whats the link with nationalism?
Good point. I definitely left out some of it out.

I am advocating for Japan as a citizenship-based state rather than ethnicity-based state. And this, I believe, is a "natural" outcome of Japanese history and its colonialism as well as the illusion of "homogenous Japan". This would mean more civil rights and greater political involvement for the non-ethnic Japanese.

There are many alternatives when it comes to Japanese nationalism. Following these models are possible critique and questions.

1. Fusion of Multi-nationalism - similar to American multinationalism, which is often linked with and is obscured by American patriotism due to its immigration history and lack of tradition, although this seems to reflect white, middle America more than any other group. So far, Japan may not be racially diverse enough for this to have much effect.

2. Coexistence of Japanese nationalism and other nationalism - Nationalism of Koreans in Japanese exist, but the sad reality is that this often contradicts with the ideas and historical understanding of "radical" Japanese nationalism. Since the Japanese natiionality is almost mutually exclusive with the idea of hypenated Japanse (Korean Japanese), could there be Korean Japanese nationalism? Would that help the civil rights of Koreans in Japanese? And perhaps, other non-ethnic Japanese in Japan?

3. Reconstruction of Japanese nationalism itself - Japan itself is not becoming less of a mononational state. Is it perhaps possible to embrace the tradition and heritage of non-full Japanese (Koreans in Japan, Ainus, naturalized Japanese, haafus, and etc...) and help them assimilate? Or do they really want to assimilate?



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