

埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 コミュのWomen's plea to help trapped Mariupol fighters

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Women's plea to help trapped Mariupol fighters

Wives, sisters and mothers of Ukrainian fighters trapped in Mariupol have
come to Kyiv to plead with the government to do more to get the men out.
They say they’re even ready to act as a human shield, if that helps evacuate
the men to safety.

The soldiers are under siege on the territory of the Azovstal steel plant, a vast area
which Vladimir Putin recently ordered Russian troops to surround so that
"a fly couldn’t get through". It’s still under heavy fire.

The fighters’ relatives say the men are exhausted, dirty and hungry
with food and water supplies running out.
The families’ big worry is that stop-start talks with Moscow about evacuating
the plant are focusing more on the fate of civilians than soldiers.

“When they talk about green corridors or extraction, they talk about civilians
not military, and I am really worried. The military are also people," Olga told me.

"They’re in the real hell there, and it’s so much worse than simple war."

"The soldiers have been defending the whole Ukraine and even Europe
for two months now, and they deserve to come back alive," she says.

She doesn’t trust Russian forces to take the Ukrainian soldiers alive
if they surrendered.

Another woman, Natalia, worries about her brother, Artyom, who’s 26.

"We shouldn’t divide soldiers and civilians: they are all our Ukrainians.
They should all live. It’s not our fault we were attacked," Natalia says.

The women are urging the authorities to step-up pressure for a humanitarian corridor
for all those trapped in Mariupol. But they stress that time is running out.

The number holed-up in Mariupol is unclear but it’s thought to be hundreds,
including some children.


'Better to survive in Russia than perish on our soil' - Zelensky tells Russian soldiers
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says Russia is trying to ramp up pressure on Ukrainian forces in the eastern Donbas region.

In his nightly video address on Saturday evening he said they are "gathering additional forces for new attacks there" but he had a defiant message which he addressed directly to Russian soldiers.

"It is better for you to survive in Russia than to perish on our soil," he said.

“We know that the Russian command is preparing for new big losses. In those units, whose personnel was weakened in March-April, new people are being recruited with little motivation, little combat experience,” he said.

"Every Russian soldier can save his own life,” he said.

Zelensky said Ukraine was doing "everything" to ensure a mission is carried out to evacuate hundreds of stranded civilians and fighters from the southern city of Mariupol.

He said he Ukraine was working with partners to increase sanctions on Moscow and expects to see a decision on further oil restrictions "in the near future".

He said the destroyed runway at Odesa airport would be rebuilt and pledged that Russian-occupied cities, including Kherson, Melitopol and Berdyansk would be liberated.



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