

埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 コミュのAttack on Ukraine only the beginning, Zelensky says

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has flagged comments by a Russian
commander, who said Moscow wants to take control of southern Ukraine
as it would give access to the separatist region of Transnistria in Moldova.

* to flag = to draw attention to ; to make a mark against some information to
show that it is important

Zelensky said the remark shows that Russia wants to invade other countries and
that the attack on Ukraine would be only the beginning.

"Well, this only confirms what I have said many times: the Russian invasion of
Ukraine was intended only as a beginning,
then they want to capture other countries,"
Zelensky said in his nightly address.

"Of course, we will defend ourselves as long as necessary to break this ambition of
the Russian Federation. But all nations that, like us, believe in the victory of life over
death must fight with us. They have to help us, because we are the first on this path. And who is next?

"If anyone who can become next wants to stay neutral today so as not to lose
anything, this is the riskiest bet. Because you will lose everything."



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