

埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 コミュのZelensky - Railway station strike will be in future war crimes trial

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President Zelensky began his nightly Facebook address by describing the missile
strike on the Kramatorsk railway station as "another war crime of Russia".

According to Zelensky, 38 people were killed immediately in the attack
on the refugee shelter. Another 12 people died in hospital,
and dozens more remain in medical care. Five children were among the victims.

He went on to pledge that Russia will be held to account in a future trial.

"Like the massacre in Bucha, like many other Russian war crimes,
the missile strike on Kramatorsk must be one of the charges at the tribunal,
which is bound to happen," he said.

"Responsibility is inevitable," he added.

He went on the praise the visit to Kyiv earlier on Friday by the president of
the European Commission and head of European diplomacy.

He thanked the delegation and European Commission President
Ursula von der Leyen "for her personal involvement and assistance
in setting up a joint investigation team to establish the full truth
about the actions of the Russian occupiers and bring all those
responsible to justice".


'We are defending the right to live' - Zelensky

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Ukrainians are "defending the right
to live" in an interview with CBS news from Kyiv.

"I never thought this right was so costly. These are human values -so that Russia
doesn't choose what we should do and how I'm using my rights," he said.

He said that on a recent visit to Bucha, where Russia has been accused of
war crimes, he witnessed "death, just death".



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