

埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 コミュのSister Ann Rose Nu Tawng

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Sister Ann Rose Nu Tawng インタビュー

The kids were trapped and I did not know where to run so they just gathered here.
Police were still firing from behind. People were so frightened and just running in
panic. Police were still firing. I felt so desperate. So I ran up in front of a line of police officers who were preparing to shoot. Then I kneeled down, and police were also
kneeling down. The police told me they were here to do their duty and that they have
to go in.
I told the police not to do it. People were already so frightened and suffered so much. I pleaded with
them not to be so harsh. They said they respect that but they have
their duty. I insisted I could not take seeking people suffering any more. I told them :
“If you really need to kill, please just kill me here, I can give my life."
Then they left. The kids were hungry, thirsty and frightened and did not dare to go
home. Then we heard shooting at the church side and saw smoke coming out.
I could not bear it any more, we all were frightened and did not know where to run. Someone said “this way, this way" but police had already surrounded us everywhere. Just in front of me, a skull was blown up and there was a pool of blood. I wanted to
carry that wounded person, but I could not do it alone so I shouted for help.
We then brought the body to the church.
Then we all got hit by tear gas, felt dizzy, coughed and our eyes were burning.
We brought the body inside and kids were crying. Other sisters and priests joined to
help, it was like the apocalypse. We suffered so much.



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