

埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 コミュの'We were told to shoot protesters', say police

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Htut - not his real name - recalls the night the military junta overthrew the government,
after the internet was shut down and an army post was erected close to his station.

"A few hours later we learned the military had staged a coup."

Htut, who is 22, says he and other police were paired with members of the military
as they patrolled the streets. Protesters who were peacefully banging utensils
in support of the pro-democracy movement were threatened with arrest.

Htut, who is from a large city in Myanmar, says he too was asked to fire at protesters,
a demand he refused.

"The military officer in charge ordered us to shoot people coming out in groups of
more than five. I know that people were beaten up. I had sleepless nights.

"When I saw innocent people bleeding, my conscience wouldn't permit me to take
part in such evil acts."



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