

☆Armada Music☆コミュの- Markus Schulz Blog - February 20th 2009

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What's up everybody,

Hope you are all doing well. It has been a week where there I have seen a little bit of everything - the good, the bad, the ugly, the bizarre and the funny. I will try my best to summarise the past seven days, as well as share a story with you about a sports game that went wrong for yours truly two weeks ago.

But first, time to talk about last Friday in London, where when I signed off, I was preparing for the latest night of my Gallery residency at Ministry of Sound.

I was really pumped up for the set, because it was my first gig since mixing the Toronto CD, and there were a few tunes from there I had just completed in time for featuring on the compilation that I was itching to play on that amazing soundsystem, including a few of the Dakota tracks.

Dakota is an alias I used for some of my productions and remixes back in the early years of this decade. They came out on labels such as Bedrock, Yoshitoshi and Global Underground. During the recent winter months, I have been incredibly inspired in the studio, but not really ready to commit to the process of songwriting and working with singers. I just wanted to work on some cool clubby stuff.

Since the Essential Mix in December, and even more so with the revealing of the tracklist for the Toronto '09 compilation, there has been a lot of rumors and speculation about the possibility of me working on a full Dakota album. I can confirm that yes, it is true. At the moment, I have 9 tracks ready to go for the album!


And you are aware of the names of four of them already. The two tracks that were on the Essential Mix - The Doorway and Day Off in Lima, and the two tracks from Toronto '09 - Koolhaus and Sin City, they will all feature. There is also one track that I have been playing in my live sets lately called "Chinook", which has been getting some great reactions so far. Over the coming weeks, I will write a little bit more about the Dakota project, and some of the tracks you are going to be hearing very soon.

As you can imagine, I was very excited about playing them at MOS, since I think it has one of the most powerful soundsystems in the world.

I got to the club at around 11:30pm, and headed to the MOS press area to carry out an interview for an online TV station. After that it was time to head backstage and meet up with a few of the regular faces from the MarkusSchulz.com Forums, who always make the great effort to attend these residency nights. Mike Koglin was also there ahead of his own set, so I got to hang out and chat with him for a bit. We were practically roommates back in 2001-2002, since his studio was just a few doors down from mine when I lived in London. We pretty much both worked, ate, and slept there.
Just before 2am, I headed down to the booth and could see people holding up signs and hear them cheering when I was getting set up beside the decks, which was really cool. Josh Gabriel was finishing up so I got to say hi and tell him how impressed I was with the latest addition to his collection of hats. I opened my set with a special intro mix of Koolhaus, and really got into the groove from very early on. The set lasted almost 2 hours but time flew by. I loved interacting with the crowd and it gave me confidence that my live sets are in good shape right now. Overall, I was pleased with my night's work.

So I would like to say thanks once again to the MOS faithful for coming out on a freezing London night and showing your support. Friday night was another step on this very exciting journey I have undertaken with this residency, and I am already looking forward to returning again in April.

After a little bit of sleep and recovery, Saturday morning was spent getting my mind set for a Valentine's Day in Dublin. My flight was delayed by a couple of hours due to the snow, but I managed to get checked in early evening and began working on some edits for the night, in between reading all the Valentine's e-cards I received. I met up with a few friends and sympathised with the lack of Valentine's attention they received on the day.
We headed to Tivoli in good time, to catch the tail end of resident John Gibbons' set. He was throwing down some cool groovy tunes, and the crowd were pretty boisterous already. I have said many times in the past, that I love playing in Ireland because of the passion of the crowd, but unfortunately, there were a few moments on Saturday night when a couple of individuals overstepped the mark. Without going into specific details, the gig was forced to end slightly early due to the intervention of the police, and security being unable to handle the volume of trouble caused by certain people. I really didn't want to have to end the set, and despite asking if I could continue playing, I was advised to leave the stage for my own safety.

My overriding feeling was nothing but disappointment. I know that some of you have commented on the message boards saying that you could see the look of unhappiness on my face towards the end of the night, and I do apologise for that. But there is something I want to make very clear to everyone who attended the club on Saturday night.

I feel so incredibly sorry for everyone who had travelled the length of the country to come to Dublin, including a few people from my forums who I had hoped to meet after the set had finished but couldn't. It is just so sad that a small portion of people, who probably had no interest in being there for the music, has tarnished the reputation of the promoters and 99% of the Irish clubbers. I want to assure you all that Saturday night was not the last time I will play in Ireland. I love and appreciate your support, how passionate you are for the music and faith you continually show in me, and I promise you, I will be back. The bottom line is, if we give in to the mindless idiots who spoil the night for everyone, we are the ones who ultimately lose out. My job is to go out there and entertain, but at the same time, it has to be fun and safe for both the fans and myself.

I am due to play at the Planetlove Summer Session festival at Fairyhouse in June, and despite the incidents of Saturday, I will be immensely looking forward to it.
But regardless, I wish to finish this week on a different note, and tell you about a little personal accident I suffered.

On Friday two weeks ago, to clear my head and mentally prepare for mixing the Toronto '09 compilation, I went to the gym for a good workout. I usually go to the basketball court and just do some jumping around, running and occasionally some pick up games before I do my strength training. When I walked onto the court there was already a pickup game going. A group that I play with regularly asked me to jump right in since they were a man short. Usually, I do some light running and some stretching before playing a game because, well let's face it, I am not 16 anymore. On this day though, I decided to jump right in.

The first two games I was fine. I actually played really well and was starting to find my zone. The third game I was on fire. I only missed two shots the entire game and we were close to winning when I turned to go after a rebound. But suddenly, I heard heard a very loud "POP". I heard it and so did everyone on the court. I fell to the ground and felt this jolt of electricity go through my leg. I feared the worst!

I was sure that I blew out my knee or my ankle. Luckily I was able to move them fine, but I was not able to walk. It turned out to be my calf. As a result, my week was spent in the company of ice packs and heating pads, with the addition of crutches for a few days. Just a mess. Luckily I am a fast healer because I knew I had to suck it up, leave the crutches at home and get on to London regardless. As long as I can bounce around in the DJ booth, I'll be fine.
Last night, I flew to New York to attend the NYC Fashion Week. I composed some music for Ralph Rucci's show and plan on mingling about. If I run into Heidi Klum, I will make sure to say hello to her for everyone. I am sure she must smell real nice. On Saturday I am flying down to Medellin in Colombia, which should be a really fun gig. I had a great time there last year, and from what I have heard the show is already sold out. After that, I'll spend a couple of days in the studio early next week before saying my goodbyes and taking the long trip to Australia, for the Future Music Festival series. That's going to be amazing, I can't wait for it.

During my flight to Sydney I will write the next blog, and because it is the last one of the month, I will take some time to answer more of your questions. So if you have anything you would like to ask, please post your questions over at my forum.

So until then, I hope you all have a great weekend. And whatever you do, don't go off injuring yourselves in the process!




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