

Business Conversation ClassコミュのM11 Review (Friends, Grading Policy, Sat. Class, Presentation No-Show Pattern & SAMURAI & RYOMA AWARDS)

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Hi Everyone,


Thanks, Team 1 and everyone, for a very poignant and open discussion about friendship. Various points of views show that we should be more sensitive with our relationship with others -- They may view us as close friends when we might only consider them as acquaintances! What a sad situation!

[btw, the book I recommended in class, "How to Win Friends & Influence People" (http://www.dale-carnegie.co.jp/sub/wfip.html) by Dale Carnegie. If you can master these easy, but often overlooked principles early in life, I'm sure you'll be come rich in your personal, social and private life by your 30s or earlier!]


I will grade everyone based on the points they have earned this semester. Here are some things we decided in class today:

A. REPORTS REQUIRED for each absence beyond THREE (3) times. For example, if you had four absences, you'll need to write ONE report; but if you had six, you'd have to write THREE!

The report must fill an A4 sized page using 12 size font double-spaced IN ENGLISH.

The topic must be on the TEAM PRESENTED TOPIC assigned on the day you were absent. You'll find that info here on MIXI.

You must post your report on our Mixi group page as a new topic, and you must make sure that a member of the group that made the presentation for your topic comments on your report (here in Mixi) and decides whether or not it should be a pass grade or not! You must continue editing your report until the presenting team decides you can pass! The deadline for your last submission is M14!

If you do not submit the required number of reports or if your report doesn't pass, you'll get a score of 590 for this semester.


I will calculate your grade based on the AVERAGE score for your grades both spring and fall semesters. For your review, here are your scores from last semester and for this semester as of today:

Spring 2010 Fall 2010 (M11)
11AC068 1155 12AC086 1010
11AC033 1089 11AC069 955
12AC017 1089 10AC110 950
12AC010 1084 12AC010 930
11AC069 1078 12AC024 895
12AC027 1077 12AC016 890
11AC010 1067 12AC008 799
12AC008 1059 12AC027 789
11AC037 1058 11AC030 762
12AC086 1049 11AC037 754
11AC080 1045 11AC010 742
12AC024 1044 11AC045 714
12AC016 1042 12AC053 689
12AC053 1024 12AC098 672
11AC030 1010 12AC017 570
12AC098 1007 11AC068 323
10AC110 975
11AC077 667
12AC015 526
11AC045 511

NOTE: Of course, your scores for Fall 2010 just cover our meetings through 12/06/2010.


To be excused for this lesson (or any other), please make sure you have cleared 1000 points OR be sure to present to me verifiable proof of a legitimate excuse.

For those members who can make it, let's look forward to Team 5's Mixi posting, coming soon, of what we'll do on that day! Thanks in advance Team 5!


This pattern has become alarmingly common in our class, and I really don't want to nag you about how serious this problem is when you start your professional career.

No matter what your job or career is, you DO NOT BURN your team members without suffering huge damage to your reputation and credibility. In most cases, a "no-show" EVEN WITH AN EXCUSE = delayed promotions or even being dismissed from the company or team.

If you were absent on a day when your team had given a presentation, I want you to apologize sincerely to your group for your lack of professionalism and make a promise to them and yourself that you'll be more samurai-like and HONOR YOUR COMMITMENT TO THE TEAM from here on.

That's the best advice you'll get from me this semester.


People who understand commitment are very special people indeed, and that's why I'd like to give in advance, the Fall Semester Samurai Award:

Ryou Furukawa
Akiko Kamiwakida
Ryouta Takahashi
Makoto Ueno
Misako Kawaguchi

Congratulations! You've earned another 100 points to the score above (for Fall!)


Akiko Kamiwakida
Ryouta Takahashi
Misako Kawaguchi
Makoto Ueno

These members have earned another 100 points (for Fall!) This award is for those who have shown the strength to be consistent throughout the year. A few other students were very close to receiving this distinction, but these four have a perfect record in our class.

Congratulations to our winners! (Did you exceed 1000 points? If so, best wishes in the future, and I look forward to the chance to meet with you again!)


For those who are still working on clearing 1000, I look forward to seeing you again soon!

Sorry for the really long post!



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