

BMI's Tail♡コミュのTerorism for othe nation.

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Dear sir.

I dagage military electromagnetic wapon yet.

This attacks continue high density level.

I submit for update recentry infomation.

About attacks.

Brain work stops.

Change body works.

Face shape change.

Change warding.

Change body sence.

And other persons feelings.

And other persons body works on short tarm.

About terorist.

I feel mode from terorists.

All most Japanese.

Middle age men.

About lower 35 to upper 60.

Old age men about 70.

Yang age men about lower 14 to upper 26.

Criminal said.


Atugi I suspect Self Defence Force and US Force.

Profession is company worker.

And yang acters.

Realy exist that they say president of company.

And likely Japanese Poritican.

Existance they call their self SDF. But I Juge it is fake organization.

Most of attaker have propensity of maniac.


Too dengerlus thigns recentry added babys and age of about 3-5 childen.

They haven't attak intention but so reduce ability.

They connect part of the cerebellum.

I feel me child feeling and do childish thinking.

I recive mood of childish mood from cerebellum.


External Attack of ather nations.

I judged thisn't Japanese Technology.

I think to arrest their perosn.

But it is'nt resolve in this case.

In Japan Gps State is abnomaly movement since June.2009 on my phone.


I took evidence of Gps Location.

Nomanly can see 4 satelite.

But gps state was wrong I can see 3-0 satelite.

Anytime increase 7 satelite.

Nomaly gps need to location awareness units.

Realy case Eulopian person.

Spanish,Germany,Norwegian,Itary,Swedish,Bergin and Ehglish.

I feel so denger people live in Germany.

And Swedish or Norwgeian,Enghlish.

In raceive mode I judge ther is nomal person.

All most chaild and worker.

Too rarely case exist noble men.

Very Realy existance Eastern European.

I feel they aren't nonal people.

They have professional feelngs.

In addtion Manila and Middle East Agia Parson Chinese too.

I suprised pastoral people attake me.

They have mode of sheep farming or pasture.

I guess of thier mode above sea level under the 100m Europan.

Still coninue attack me American,Estnian Hakkers.

Few parson tha name them self Lithuania Hakkker.

Attakers contain mode of psychosis horic and prisoner.

They spoof by terrorist.

Vectims include Northern Europe pason and Rumanian ynong girls.

Few women victim live in Greece.

The most of peple young women and girls about 12-24.

I meet vectiem of monacan women.

And Turkestan men.

In the victems women,I heare name.

Nora Wandy,Andrea,Esant,Esante,Dlossel,Drset,Tonya Rubinsky,Inga,


I hope to contact her All.

And protection of nations.

This damge need to inform for the world.

Ecant and Esante caled her self Engish Noble.

Andrea say Estonia Noble family.

*If those women know my name,plese say to contact me.

Tonya Rubinsky live East Eulope I hear Rumanian.

Dlossel say come from Northern Europe.

She have mode of swidsh or Norwegian.

Dorset and Dlossel is systers in the family register.

Inga probably Spanish.

Ervaer is Eulopian noble.

Kamura say Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

Kimberly say Germany wealthy famly.

Toscana is Italy.

Her connected this system for rape and sotking.

Her sufferd mind control and other brain controls.

I have not heard the name.

Spiking frence African and French exist too.

I speking native France and Beutifle English on my mouse ehen her connect my brain.

I don't speak native English.French is'not laning ever.

Therefore I can juge it is'not horic.

This technology is connect brain work and stop my Language area part of my brain.

So denger tecnorogys.

As mentioned before.It can send sound eache other.

This means that can send and receive of remote brain.

And brain works conjecture same work all part and all 5sense and true feelings.

I have experienced emothin control and motions control.

My face stile and shape is down and chenge worth.

Criminal sey feelings and shape exchenge eache other part of my body.

For exanple tache the my body.I cant tuch my body directry.

My body image is spread my self.

Actually sensory beteween hair.

I feel other middle age mens emothions.

Any time not feeling no sence.

So I feel Severe discomfort on my face all through day.

My department of emotion was stop by terorist.

My love emotion and true emoshons is degrade for I promissed marriage woman who can ride.

And It can sex act of flash human.

Too worry this time,I do native womens vois and body act.

I thnks that is to stop my brain.

That was to connect for foreigner woman brain of my motor area of brain and manguage area of my brain.

I soufferd same attak too.

My loving woman rape evryday.

And to send for me har emotions and her body feelengs.

This contlol is too responsivle and fine control.

And occasionally I move likes women sex.

I guss this act is connect motor area of brain and stop brain.

Terrorist say stop my brain stem I and har.

Brains stem govern movement and breathing.

Criminal say shorten the life.

Victem and criminals.

From granularity of control and respons is real time this is not data.

They are marders.Actually ded criminal to experiments between criminal and crimilal.

If possible audit this system.

Immediately stop this system.

This tecnorgy probably US or NATO or Those Ally and England Swidish.

Or other person.

Criminal say this system flow Illegally mafia.

This system can attak other nation.

This fact can conjecture flown experience of air plane.

And too native pason feel my sence thatI didin't look foreigner my explience of living in Japan.

I terrible care cieriminal say labo.

Criminal said Nolway,America,Germany.

In realy heare name German person Phaiman or Himan.

I listhe in Japanese"faiman".

All computer system have log.

Actually exist woman have a evidence in the America.



Infomation of body works chage.


Dear sir.

I sufferd military technology wepon.

This case happen worldwide aria.



This attack can send five senses and control of body shape.

And sex act.

So terrible effect for victems.

All most I sufferd attacks by Japanese.

But very rarly case exsistance unkown European.

I guess form terrorists mode.

This Europians all most Eastern Europea or Center of European.

And some times I changed eye sahpe likes spanish and I feel Itly mens feelings.

So I think contin in the attker,exsist Itarly and Spansh.

Vectims is all most European woen.

And yong girls.

I know two german women in the vectims.

Name is Kinbly and Hezer.

Kinbly said ,I am wealth machant family.

And Hezer said,I am daughter douter.

If cach the in fomations.

Some of take care her.

I hear terrors statemens,Itry porice can wache logs.

And they had resolve this case.

I expet inspect this case.

I sent mail NATO head office in Italy.

I put on in this mail that I sent mail for NATO.

And US.Gov.UK Gov.UK Roylal.Rumania Gov.Russia Gov.


Convention on Cybercrime a.This article applies to extradition.


State Row






Precedents in America.


Article of exsistance evidence for this act.


Electromagnetic energy weapons. Mr Gim Guest.



UNESCO Conference.


This system can cange body shape.

My hand shape.


Tonya's hand shape.


Other person's hand shape.


Other person's hand shape2.



Infomation of body works chage.



Dear sir.

I sufferd military technology wepon.

This case happen worldwide aria.



This attack can send five senses and control of body shape.

And sex act.

So terrible effect for victems.

All most I sufferd attacks by Japanese.

But very rarly case exsistance unkown European.

I guess form terrorists mode.

This Europians all most Eastern Europea or Center of European.

And some times I changed eye sahpe likes spanish and I feel Itly mens feelings.

So I think contin in the attker,exsist Itarly and Spansh.

Vectims is all most European woen.

And yong girls.

I know two german women in the vectims.

Name is Kinbly and Hezer.

Kinbly said ,I am wealth machant family.

And Hezer said,I am daughter douter.

If cach the in fomations.

Some of take care her.

I hear terrors statemens,Itry porice can wache logs.

And they had resolve this case.

I expet inspect this case.

I sent mail NATO head office in Italy.

I put on in this mail that I sent mail for NATO.

And US.Gov.UK Gov.UK Roylal.Rumania Gov.Russia Gov.


Convention on Cybercrime a.This article applies to extradition.


State Row






Precedents in America.


Article of exsistance evidence for this act.


Electromagnetic energy weapons. Mr Gim Guest.



UNESCO Conference.


This system can cange body shape.

My hand shape.


Tonya's hand shape.


Other person's hand shape.


Other person's hand shape2.


Infomation of body works chage.


Dear sir.

I sent mail terorist infomation for your nation.

It change stuations.

I update recently infomations.

I sufferd attaks all most Japanese men until now.

Resentry add Europian boys.And exsist Rumanian gys.

And Spanish men.Rerally exist likes noble men.

Yestedy start this act at Bermihngam boys.

And cinise mafia.Mafis kaind of doing threats maifa.

I feel they kaind of don't kill to person.

But rerlay exsitance likes marder.

It is possible to they haven't doing this act on passive.

Recently victems tice chinise korian Taiwanese.

The critrion is native chinese language.

And they spoken herself or himself.

This damages spread for Asia aria.

I know chinese about 600.

If it is in fuct.

I warry Cinese Force.

They have wandufle body works.

They kaind of chinise martial artist.

I worry Greek and German women and Belgin women.

I meet this prace women about 7 presons.

I heard Dusseldorf Air Bace.And German Laboratory.

Recently I don't hear this prace.

And I warry siwth.

This act increase terrorist same region of exsistance victems.

If one time happend this attaks.Terrorists incluse same areas.

For criminal deception they connect oter parson.

In addtion this system have realy happend cause scramble connaction for person have same brain organ.

Given the rate of victims and attakers.

Victems focus very small aria.

Terrorists exist very wide aria.

And terroist to connect terrorist live in same aria paerson for this crime.

It means possiblity too meny offender exist in this world.

Now worry girls of criminals that her can't stop this act.

It is existance to start this act for save her self too.

I worried Japanese men haven't maind to stop this act.

But most of attaker Japanese men.

They want feel my emothions by my brain.

They say to detach me and my promissed women.

But their thinking is only desire.

They mainld cotrol by my loveing maind for promeissed wome and thir Jealousy and thier desire.

I wish to stop thir maind ctrol for resolve this terrorism.

They allways play other person.In basicaly they are kaind of sotoker.

And hedonist by use other persons flash brain.

And they act to virtual rape it have ptention for die.

And they said we try marige or sex by maind cntrol.

I think If they kill me this act isn't stop.

I think they try all kill vectims or disablement women.

They try to continue this act in hide yet.

And they try ceat this act.

They are cherming person or skillfull person.

I hope rid this system in the word for all vectioms.

They allways said for attakers.

Detuche me Dorossel.Detuce me Tonya.And other women.

I promiss her.And now attak her evry day.

For kill or rape.

Most of men think this is attack resone for me.

They continue this attaks to use this resone.

Plese save her and me.

I send this mail for Her Majesty as commander of chief.


Dear sir.

I sufferd kind of unknown militly wepon attack.

I can't jugement this attack origin.

This attaks happend by Elictoromaignetic.

I sufferd mind cntrol and motion control,face stile change.

It can send five sence eache other.

And they try rape act by use this system.

This rape act send by sexual pleasure.

I feel uncomfortable.I thnink it can jugment "Who is doing."

In the realy cace this act happen me other forein women body work.

And I spoken voice other nation women.

I infer this is abnomaly use that comiunication voice system on militaly technology.

I think it is directly connect brain to brain.

Recently victims start attaks Norwegian,Swedish,Finnish women about 17or19 teens and Miss.

I doubt it happen nealy adjacent those nations.

If cache the offense report.Plese pretoection her.

Plobably her can't up to voice in concretely detail.

And I warry to existance that have recive feelings is not city person.

Especialy I feel so defficult to save her.

I up to body control evicence.

My hand shape.


Tonya's hand shape.


Other person's hand shape.


Other person's hand shape2.


Infomation of body works chage.


Any time I sufferd by criminals to stop brain works.

Atteker said to stop brain stem and languate speking aria or other aria.

I thinks so denger.They can all brain work control.

They offen said this attaks happen to short victims life.

I sufferd damege 7yers ago.If start this attaks to destroy her life for long tarm.

I wish take action to protect her life.


I am Japanese vectems electoromaginatic terrorism.

Same act happend world wide aria.

This system can send five sence.

It is contain those sence emosions and body work.

My hand shape.


Tonya's hand shape.


Other person's hand shape.


Other person's hand shape2.


Infomation of body works chage.


Some times I speoken French women word and voice tone.

At least I can't understand Frence previous at 2009.

But I understand those word.

I heare naitive Frence,Frence speaking African and Frence live in Irand Spoken.

And I heare native English and German and Portuguese likely South America,Spanish,Italian,too.

In the victems I meet Frence women.

One is AirFrance Parser.

One is a woman have solders mored.

She spoken me.

French Foreign Legion comander of midle licece.

I know her detials.

I know her is one of victem.

Her is possible to flight heliCopter.

I know this system communicate to eache other.

It means possibilty to frow military informations.

In this prace reraly existance beteran solders.

Acttally I know men to shot by ohter man,and dead.

This system can dummy rape act.


And to send five sence.

Reason of terrorists in this things.

Too many Japanese and few Eurpoans Attak for European girls and miss.

I know to damaged lot of Frence women about 2009.

Recently I hear attak for celebrity.And I know attak for nobl and royal families.

Especially I hear Espoir last name is de Gaulle.

I spoken her and her know my name.

If "de Gaulle" in fuct.Plobably distinguished family.

Plese protection her.She damege by terrorists about two years.

This act target is yong women.Her haven't foce of resolve.

Please take a aciton.

Off course existance fake name.

I here UK,Monacan,Estonian,Sweden,Royal families.

And UK,Rumanian,Belge noble.

And Spain,Italy,Greece,German,US celebrity or wealthy person.

If they haven't kown this damgages.

It's is problem for her.

Her haven't way for this attaks.

Reason of terrorist attak for her.

Have good feelengs or skill or shape or posture.

They hope to use brain or maind cntrol.

Terrorist to use jealousy or animosity or longing for attaks.

In jugement of number of voice style.

Too meny persons attak me.If they misinterpret.

I think it is broken her faith.

And to broken her life style.

Now terroist do act.To steal believes or resistance.

Recently increase kaind of nations.

If this act continue to long term.

We loss beleves in the world.

One way.

Too many Europian sufferd this dagage.

I know veictems women.

Live in US,UK,Rumania,Italy,Iraq,Switzerland,Thailand,



Her all most no force women.

Age is about 12-24.Yang girl and miss.

Her can't up to voice.

And no way stop this act.

I think her sufferd this attaks half life or all life.

Possiblity to continue for kill.

I hope protection of her,If her up to voice.

This system use gps tracking.

I think Iregaly use of Haker or Mafia or Solider or Labo.

Plese inspect this system.

And make way to resolve for normal persons.

In addtion too meny Japanese men attack for Europian women.

And Europian little boys.

They don't beleve her are fresh women.

They don't beleve her isn't foreigner.

They don't beleve this isn't rape act.

They wish it is data.

They know it but they hope it is not.

They still expect this is Japanese act.

I think to continue for Europian women and girls.

I promiss marriage eache oher for vectiom women.

I hope to contact her.

Because they decrease number of attakers live in Japan.

Check fact attack for oher nation.

For her protection and my protection.

To save her life.

I hope to stop this act as soon as possible for all person.

Her name are Nora Wandy,Andrea,Esant,Esante,Dlossel,Drset,Tonya Rubinsky,Inga,

Elvert,Ingurid,Kimberly,Toscana,Andromeda,Esmeralda,Kamura,Esperanza And Rora Eshtant.

And Daniela Hantuchova,Maria Kirilenko.


Eshtant Esant Esante Dlossel Drset.

Her said englsh noble family.



Her call herself blood relationship of royal family.

Estnian royal family is dismantled.


Nora Wandy and her Mother.

I hear distinguished family.



Her name derived from Tuscany in italy.




I hear Belge noble family.

Esperanza and Rora.


Tonya Rubinsky and her parents,Elvert and her parents.

Rumanian noble famly.

Tonya said her is vionist.





I hear distinguished family.


I feel mode and spoken.

Her are wealthy person.

Daniela Hantuchova,Maria Kirilenko.

Her seid principal.I thnk so.

I send cotion for wta and her website.

I didn't to contact in professionally reson herself.

I wish to contact and protection her.


Convention on Cybercrime a.This article applies to extradition.


State Row






Precedents in America.


Article of exsistance evidence for this act.


Electromagnetic energy weapons. Mr Gim Guest.



UNESCO Conference.


This system can cange body shape.

My hand shape.


Tonya's hand shape.


Other person's hand shape.


Other person's hand shape2.


Infomation of body works chage.



Gps Abnomaly move.


Dear sir.

I sufferd kind of unknown militly wepon attack.

I can't jugement this attack origin.

This attaks happend by Elictoromaignetic.

I sufferd mind cntrol and motion control,face stile change.

It can send five sence eache other.

And they try rape act by use this system.

This rape act send by sexual pleasure.

I feel uncomfortable.I thnink it can jugment "Who is doing."

In the realy cace this act happen me other forein women body work.

And I spoken voice other nation women.

I infer this is abnomaly use that comiunication voice system on militaly technology.

I think it is directly connect brain to brain.

Recently victims start attaks Norwegian,Swedish,Finnish women about 17or19 teens and Miss.

I doubt it happen nealy adjacent those nations.

If cache the offense report.Plese pretoection her.

Plobably her can't up to voice in concretely detail.

And I warry to existance that have recive feelings is not city person.

Especialy I feel so defficult to save her.

I up to body control evicence.

My hand shape.


Tonya's hand shape.


Other person's hand shape.


Other person's hand shape2.


Infomation of body works chage.


Any time I sufferd by criminals to stop brain works.

Atteker said to stop brain stem and languate speking aria or other aria.

I thinks so denger.They can all brain work control.

They offen said this attaks happen to short victims life.

I sufferd damege 7yers ago.If start this attaks to destroy her life for long tarm.

I wish take action to protect her life.




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