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Johnny Oliveira
Professional Kick-boxer and Fitness Trainer

Why you might benefit from having a Personal trainer

A personal trainer will help you achieve results you cannot when working out on your own. Here are some reasons a personal trainer may be right for you.
Motivation – A Personal Trainer will motivate you to stick with a consistent exercise programme, providing structure and support, and will help you develop a lifestyle that encourages health.
Individualized program
If you have any chronic health conditions, injuries or training goals (running a marathon, for example) a trainer will work with you to plan a safe, efficient program which enables you to reach your health goals.
Personal Trainers help you focus on results rather than wasting your time doing inefficient workouts. A personal trainer has a plan and will help you get maximum results in minimum time.
Improve technical skills
A personal Trainer will help you improve your skill by showing you new training techniques you can add to your program so you improve not only your strength and endurance, but your agility and mental focus as well.
You are new to exercise
If you are a beginner, a personal trainer is the ultimate fitness coach. A good trainer will introduce you to a very simple, effective routine which will give you the confidence and knowledge to decide what is right for you.
Break through plateaus
Ok, you are already in a pretty decent shape, but you've been there for years. If you are stuck in the same routine and want to break out of a rut, a personal trainer is the perfect solution. A trainer will jump start, not only your motivation, but your routine as well.
Learn how to do it alone
If you ultimately want to learn how to design your own routines and exercise by yourself, training with a personal trainer months may be all you need. The trainer will teach you the basics of building and modifying a fitness program which you can then continue to do on your own.
Workout Safely
A personal trainer watches your form and can provide objective feedback about your limits and strengths. Most of us tend to ignore some of the subtle signals our body provides. We either push through pain or give up too soon. Because a personal trainer can watch what you are doing while you are doing it, they can help push you or slow you down as necessary.
Workout at home
If you don't have interest in going to a gym, but have a hard time knowing what to do on your own at home, a personal trainer can bring fitness into your living room.
Lose Weight
The number one reason people embark on a fitness programme is to lose weight and get into shape. A personal trainer is absolutely invaluable in this case. If you have made a resolution to lose the fat and build the muscle, a trainer can keep you on track and help you realize this goal much faster than doing it alone.

About Johnny Oliveira
Johnny was born on July 28th, 1977, in Manaus, Amazon State, Brazil. He started training in Kung Fu when he was 10 years old. Since then he has trained in various Martial Arts including Muay Thai Kickboxing. He was the North Brazil Kung Fu champion, 3 times All Brazil Kick-boxing Champion and MMA champion. For the last 5 years he has been living in Japan and is Professional Kick-boxer and fighter in the Shin Nihon Kick-boxing Association www.shinnihonkickboxing.com Currently he is ranked at number 6 in the Association. Over the years he has assisted many people in achieving their health and fitness goals. He is available to work with either groups or individuals who would like to improve their fitness – either for personal or professional reasons. Johnny’s approach is client centered and in his training sessions with you he can incorporate a variety of modalities (for example weight training, plyometrics, kickboxind and elements of other martial arts) to suit your fitness goals. In addition he can help you improve your diet and nutrition.

Tarining place: Muay-Thai kickboxing gym in Shinjuku

Address: Tokyo, Shinjuku-ku, Kabuki-cho 2-2-10, B1 floor

Options for training:

Option 1:
Private training sessions with Jonhhy Oliveira:
1 hour individual session: \ 5000
90 minutes individual session \ 6000

1 hour semi-private session (2 people): \3500 each

1 hour session with 3 people: \2500 each

Johnny is fluent in Portuguese, Spanish, English and Japanese.

You can contact Johnny at thesouza@japan.com or thesouza@ezweb.ne.jp for more information
Phone: 080 5509 0832

Here are some clips of previous fights:





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