

臭い豆嫌いの英語練習コミュのThe things that scare you

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Do you have?
I thought it might be fun to practice our english together with this topic. Because everyone has something right? ^_^
Maybe fear of english??
(like my fear of speaking japanese) haha

I have many things of course!!
Everyone knows I have a fear of nattou of course ^^, but I also hate bugs!! Especially cockroaches(ゴキブリ)>.<
I also have a small fear of high places, but not so much anymore.
Also, small fear of the dentist....
That's super scary!

I am excited to hear what scares other people. ^_^


How do you do? Nice to meet you.
I found this community yesterday.
I want to speek English,so I take part in here.

My scare story is .........

I scare caterpillars.
When I went to kindergerten.
There were caterpillars in the gerden on summer.
Their were danger,so teater sprayed with agricultural chemicals.
We go to there,Icried.
Because their fled windows from there tree.
And our room was dark,due to that.
I scare caterpillars since then.
Hi, James.

Why don't you try Natto with Avocado.
Sounds weird?! Do not worry.
It tastes sooooooo good!! I promise^m^
I love Avocado Natto sooooo much.
Hey, I am NOT crazy(*^^)v

Well, I hate cockroaches too.
But my cats always hit them for me.
I love my cats☆彡
(I have three cats.)

Also, I am scared of Buckwheat... "そば"
I have a very strong allagy to it.
If I eat it, I am going to die\(◎o◎)/!
I have to be very careful.
Hi Snoopy,

Oh...I forgot tht I also have a fear of complaining customers!
I really don't like that!! >.<
But...because of complaining customers, when I shop somewhere, I am careful not to complain about something. So it is a good lesson to learn. ^_^
Hi クリアナ、

 I looove avocado! But I don't want to put that with smelly beans. >.<

Do you have a そば allergy? Wow, I have never heard that before. That is kind of sad. I really like soba, especially ざるそば.
Hi ぴょこ,

Thank you for being a part of this community!!
I am really happy to hear your comments! ^^

Wow, your story is very scary!!
I can understand why you are afraid of caterpillars. >,<

If that happened to me, I could not look at caterpillars either!!
When we have trauma in our childhood, it is difficult to forget that ne...



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