

英語で世界旅行(^^)コミュのWhat is the most important thing to learn English?

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In Japan, Almost all of us had been studying English for about 6 years. It means the range is from junior high school to high school. I think it is enough to master a language. But, we can't treat with English well. Generally speaking, we had been learning mainly to read and write English.

Probably, most of college students can read at least easy English newspaper and write easy English sentence. On the other hand, most of us translate English into Japanese when we look at English sentence. Also, conversation.
It is problem. It looks like a translation machine.
Now, I wanna speak English very well. And the capability to listen English,too.

I'm 24 years old now. Is it too old to learn or treat a language?
Please let me know, If you have knowhow, hints, or comments.

Thank you for your reading.

If you can't make my English understood, sorry...


I can perfectly understand your difficults. For example, translating western languages into English is not such a difficult task.

I think one of the first difficulties for Japanese people starts at grammar differences between English and Japanese. On the other hand, I feel this difficulty, because I first think in a western language (portuguese, english or spanish) and try to translate directly into Japanese.

In order to speak very well, the first thing you've got rid of is the fear of making mistakes. I believe a mistake is almost unforgivable in Japan, so this fear constrains the attitude to try new things; but, on the other hand, the quality of japanese products is awesome, because it forces japanese to think a lot.

However, there is a trade off.

Anyway, try to think in English. Use simple structures at the beggining. Betterment will be the result of this. And, do not be afraid of making mistakes.


Even if there are mistakes, first, create the courage. Later, it will be corrected, and you naturally learn English.

In my case, I could say that I really started learning Japanese language after 20 years old, so you can obviously master English.


Thanks a lotウッシッシ

These are nice solutions for me. I thought again speaking is the most important, thanks to youexclamation ×2
It is good opportunity for me to be here. I mean, as you know, I'm in a lab which has many foreigners. So, this is very nice. If I were not here, I would not learn English more than now. And, I wouldn't notice a wonderful thing which is to be able to speak English. Because there is seldom a chance to use English for me, if I am not here.I mean because here is Japan...
OK.What I want to say is if I spoke English more, maybe, the world would spread more for me.
Anyway, I think to master a language is as difficult as to get a beautiful woman according to my paper(笑)
Thanks for your comment!

Yes, dear ヘルシンキケンジさん,

It is a cultural problem. In Brazil, a nikkei businesswoman offered a course for nikkeijin: how to lose the fear of making mistakes.

According to her, japanese and nikkeijin are very responsible (真面目), and the quality of service is good, however, because we are shy, we lose several opportunities.

The range is wide, since business to....you know...(失恋)

She said that it is important to maintain the good quality of our work, services and products, but we must lose the fear of commiting mistakes.

It hampers our development as a person and as a professional.

I think your English is improving enormously, and only some small adjustments are necessary.

Hum...I am very curious about your paper (笑)! But...if you become a 英雄 heroi I think you can have more success to appreciate beautiful landscapes (笑)



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