

中津長屋 / iftコミュのイベントレビュー/event review

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Jeanne Landry-Belleuワークショップ/「アイコンを通して世界を見る/作る。」
(For English readers, please scroll down)

 15世紀ヨーロッパにおける個人間の手紙のやりとりに現代に繋がるコミュニケーションの原型を見ているジャンからすると、インターネットの存在は現在の人間社会/コミュニケーションにとって間違いなく最も重要な要素のひとつだろう。Web 2.0(双方向型のネット上のコミュニケーション)が可能にしたSNSなどの新しい人間関係は社会そのものに多大な影響を及ぼしている。さらにネット空間では性別、年齢、宗教、人種、国籍、言語などの障害を時には越えてしまう可能性も示している。その中で言語的役割をもったのがアイコンと呼ばれる表意図/イメージだ。つまり、ジャンにとってこの世界を読み解くという事はウェブ上に溢れかえっているこれらの膨大なアイコンを通して可能であり、その中に人間社会とその中で扱われる価値を読み解く事に他ならない。


On 2009.10.23-24 @ ift presented a workshop with two artist; Jeann Landry-Belleu and Mamoru Okuno.

Jeanne works on the issues related to Web culture and especially the icons in relation to the 15th Century italian writer Cesare Ripa(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cesare_Ripa). She introduced her ideas about the Web and her current research on icons.
If the images surrounding our society can be seen as the reflections of what human reality today, then analyzing images can be a search for Humanity. Jeanne tried to collect icons on Web to understand the human values among the Web culture. Then she started creating new icons to project her ideals on Web, where new form of communication are continuously updated. At the end of the workshop, all of the participants made their own icons representing various human values, and they will be up on Web for people to download freely. The artist's intention is to see if they would effect the future of our world.

Sound artist Mamoru introduced one of his “etude for everyday objects and practices” His “etude” is an attempt of create art work by a simple idea; recode, decode, remix with everyday elements which often are considered economically worthless. The “etude no.12 variation for eating Nori paste together” involves people eating Nori paste on a Japanese cracker with other seasoning as snack. During the workshop, Mamoru made these snacks for participants to enjoy eating. At the end, he showed the process of empty glass bottle of Nori paste becoming “etude no.12”, a sound object. People passed the object that was put on a small light box one by one to listen to the sound. The sharing of the process transcend the object from to-be-a-garbage into a work of art.

*all infomation written above is acording to the infomation provided at the workshops.

review: ift


先日のetude for GW @ project room ift のフォロー記事を書きましたー。




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