

英語でエッセイ TOEIC SW コミュのちょっとした愚痴

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3 years back,I was in London for only 1month.I got a male friend at that time.Though I was not in love with him,he confessed that he liked me 1day before I flied back to japan.I was surprised to hear that all of a sudden and was embarrassed.So I pretended not to hear that.Because I was leaving london soon, and I thought long-distance love was impossible.He is not Japanese.Now,I feel bad about that.I pretended not to hear his confession.Confession needs courage though. I was so immature.However,we kept in touch after we left london.We sent email each other often or at least once in few monthes.We chatted on the internet and talked about visiting our country each other many times. Of course I was looking forward to seeing him as friend again and I wanted him to guide me in his country.However,,yesterday,he told me he would marry two weeks later by email and I felt seriously depressed actually.When he told me about that,I knew he was going to university of London and I'm going to stay in London for few monthes before I come back to my ex company in next year,so I was so delighted to see him again in london.That's why I felt depressed so seriously.In foreign country,even only one friend makes me not to feel lonely from the biginning.Besides,I thought he would treat me kindly because he liked me once before.Rather,I can't say I was not looking forward to becoming couple next time we meet.I'm not going to stay in London for long time,so I don't care if we won't be couple and I wanted to enjoy spending time together as friends like before of course.
But,,he's going to marry and lives with his wife in London.Haa there is no room for me between them..I can't see him often so that his wife will not feel strange.I wanna spend time with friends in foregin country and stick them, but I can't to him. It's not that easy to contact married friend,especially man.Haaa

Well,he is neary 30 and it's really natural to marry for him(it's not my place to say that..)and I have to congratulate his happiness.I'll abandon the self-serving wish.3 years went by after we left london and of course I had had boy friend and had thought about marrige with him during this time.It happened to him as well and I hurt him 3 years before so I have to feel delight for his happiness.However,it takes time for me to be able to do that.Please don't send me wife's photo till that time...



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