

ALSA STシンガポールコミュのdiary

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first is me, Tak from Saitama Prefecture! yeah.

To be honestly, I don't have any ideas to write here today so wanna introduce...wat....

One thing really interesting for me recently is Asahi Shinbum write da article mainly about regret?(don' know how to say lol) their fault.

The fault here, is that they're responsible for so-called POPULARISM ELECTION of the house of representatives(is this word collect?衆院), this time or Last time's.(the issue was liberation of the ministty of Post Office.guys remember dat??)

They said that because of the birth of 2 top power system in Jpn, Mass-media will have to play the roll of "watchin' the power" and provide the nation of Japan more neutral information.


this boring sentences're written within 7 minutes or so, thus, even if if you guys feel strange bout this, Im in no responsiblity to apporogize or do...whatever...

Im sleepy. Ive gotto cook THOUSANDS of HAMBURGER!!! 

holla my homies



I know similar caseわーい(嬉しい顔)
Mainichi shinbun reflected their past report of Ashikaga incident.The way they report lead miss-arrest.

Fu~Its hard to type English on mobile phone....冷や汗

Good night!
what a terrible expertise!!! iwas abit sleepy, thats why.


oh really?? could you tell me the date of the newspaper??

>Tak and Mariko

I feel that we also should be suspicious of the imformation of

You know next is my turn...
I wanna write intersting one!!


I learned this issue in the 'Information Law' class.

The professor emphasized on the balance between liberty of media and responsibility of media.

I think so too.We have to discern whether informations in the Newspaper are right or not.

…today,I borrow a book,international low

I'll read it from mow.

Larry King's TV show?

they're debating on the issue bout drug.con and pro.
I m sorry for late reply.

i think this time's election led to good result for Japan itself coz DPJ has to make effort to recomsider their policy and to make sure their responsible,I felt.

And...I can agree to ur idea.But media wont be given blame for themselves.So we have to watch not only politician but olso mass media.
> choさん

Helo! now,I come to the supermarket,Is it better to buy alcohol tomorrow?

Im looking forward to drinking with you tomorrow'night.

see ya!



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