

英語日記広場コミュのkachako's diary

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Hi thereわーい(嬉しい顔)

I've just decided to keep a diary in English every day because I have
enough occasion to use.Now I almost forget how to write in Englishげっそり
Awful & scary!!

Let me introduce myself手(パー)

I am a housewife who is a mother of 6 months girl.
I enjoy my hustle and bustle life as a new momぴかぴか(新しい)

Please feel free to leave messagesハート達(複数ハート)


I can't say anything about earthquake things. It's just horrible. I still
can't believe what happened. I just hope that everybody around Tohok area
will be safe soon and get back to their ordinary daily life.
It's gonna be raning today's afternoon. I'm a bit nervous again.
You know I have a baby girl, so it will be a big problem if radioactive
iodine in tap water gets high again since I live in next to Tokyo.
I'm wondering how long we have to tolerate this stuation. By when will
the nuclear prants be repaired not to emit radioactivity to some extent?
We need more information!!
Hello まーちゃんsan

I'm so sorry not to reply you soon. I haven't checked my daiary for a long time!!
I heard Sendai also had serious damage.I'm happy to hear that you and your friend didn't get injured through the earthquake.
I hadn't been in the mood to jot down my daily life and feeling after the
earthquake. I feel everything is getting back to nornal gradually, so I
think it's time to restart this.(Of couse I remember that day clearly and
think of people who lives in Tohok area every day.)

Last week, I went to Onomichi for the first time with my husband and
daughter.It took almost 7 hours to get there from my house. It was the
first trip for my baby girl to get on the car and train such a long time.
I worried about her but she was totally fine during the trip.
I got a downpour while I drove. I thought it only rained first, but
turned into hailing suddenly. Strange weather in Aprilあせあせ(飛び散る汗)
It's windy today. High wind is still blowing like my hometowm wich is
very famous for dry chilly strong wind in winter. I planted seedling of
tomatos and a paprika in my tiny garden today. I worry about them whether
they will be safe in this wind.
It is very strange weather, is it?
Suddenly it rains and is windy(・∀・;ゞ
I hope your tiny garden will be safe(´・ω・`)
Hi たけsan

Thank you for your consideration! My plants are all safe.
Now I'm releaved(^0^)
Strange weather these days,huh? I'm wondering if it will be very hot
this summer like last year.

You are asking my occupation,right? I'm a housewife now. I quitted a job
last year to raise my daughter.
What do you do for living?
I applied for Eiken test that would take place on June yesterday. I completely misundestood that Eiken tests are held on February and October every year,so I noteced I could sign up right now by accident!

I have only 1 and half month left to study. I have to memorise many words
and pharases again. Can I still do this in this short term although I'm
not young any more like teenager??

You are a student and study English! Great (^0^)
It's shame to say that I didn't study at all and drunk almost everyday
when I was a university student. I wish I could study hard like you!!

I live in Saitama now. I used to live in Tokyo for 7 years.
I try to memorize English words using an English vocabulally book which
contains many example sentences. Sometimes I find funny sentences and can't stop giggling.
I went to a national park with my daughter. I was afraid to be caught in a traffic jam because today was free entrance day,so I got there before open and left around noon. First, my strategy seemed to be succeded,but I got stuck in traffic,then noticed there was a zoo on my way home,whice had also free entrance today. I completely fogot it. Oh my...
Golden Week is almost over. I just went to a park during a week. On the ohter hand, my husband went for a drink twice,hung out with his friends twice even though I begged not to go and to take us to somewhere. I really wanted to kick him out of house.
My grandfather passed away today.
I hadn't met him for a long time and thought just yesterday I wanted to see him next time when I went to hometown. I heard that he had forbiden to take something to eat and drink because of his illness since January even if he was consious. Hope he has much of drink and food and full now in heaven.
I attended my grandfather's funeral yesterday. It was kind of cold and rained hard. He was just like sleeping. I can't still believe that he neither got up or talked to me.
Wow! I didn't wirte this almost 1 month. I'm so lazy...
Anyways, I took a Eiken test yesterday. I couldn't have much time to
prepare, but managed to answer all questions. Hope I will pass it and
have an interview test!
Hi かみsan

Nice to see you,too! Thank you for leaving a massage.
Last time I took a Eiken was more than 10 years ago... very old days,too!
I cheked how my ansewers were on Eiken website and noticed that I made many worng choises...Even if I will pass it, It will be the lowest line.
I'm gonna pray to god!
It's still uncertane whether I will be able to pass the fitst stage exam of Eiken but I started to prepare for the interview test.
It's very difficult not only to speak Eniglsh,but also to think about answers only in a few seconds.
Having opinions is very hard now... I didn't imargine what I am before.
My younger sister is coming back to Japan, so I'm visiting my hometown now.

My daughter looks happy because everybody cares her so much and nobody keeps her alone.

Yesterday, I told my sister and her husband that I might pass paper test of Eiken, then they gave me some interview tests according to it. How nice they are, especially her husband! He advised some tips how to pass an interview successfully. Still I don't have confidence though...
Speaking in English is very difficult. I didn't feel it many years ago.
I'm sorry for my laziness especially past a couple of years.
My husband hates what I use English and dosen't understand me, saying "now that you are Japanese, you don't need to use English at all within Japan" I thought he might be light and forgot about English. BUT!! It was a big mistake. I clearlly realized it.

Anyways, I need to speak up in English so that I can pass an interview test.
I noticed that the lowest passing score of Eiken had already aoonunced yesterday and checked it. It's still up in the air whether I would pass it or not. Hopefully, my writing wasn't horrible!!

Now I'm thinking I'm gonna take first TOEIC in 2 years on this September and wondring how much I can get this time...
Oh, you took Eiken!ぴかぴか(新しい)

I think writing in English like this helps you a lot
preparing for the interview test.

Keep going and enjoy the interview!

TOEIC is just like a full marathon race to me.
( FYI; I've never taken part in real marathon races... )

It's so harsh but after the test we can enjoy delicious beer!!! わーい(嬉しい顔)
> Junko san

Thank you! You eased my mind a lille bit.
I believe this will help me at the interview test.

Yeah. I know what you mean. I feel so too when I take TOEIC. Everytime I am exhausted after finishing.
Miracle happened!!!

I passed a written exam of Eiken. Honestly,I thought I failed.
Thanks God!!

So... I reaally need to speak up in English from now on!
I went to Disney Land with my daughter and husband yesterday. My mama friend told me that we in this prefecture could buy an entrance ticket for discount price and that motivated me to go.

I was afraid that my daughter hardly ride on atractions since she is only 1 year old but contrary to my expectation, she could try many atractions like monster's inc, poor's honey hunt or something like that and she looked enjoying.

We got suntan a lot,but it was nice to go there!
I can't play DVDs which I bought in the US even if I change reagion code.
To be exact,I can play,but speed is too slow to watch them. How can I fix it???
It's soooo hot everyday. I usually try not to use air conditionar in the morning,but it had already reached 30℃ on 7:30 today. My daughter got grumpy in this hot room,so... I turned it on. I felt bad a little bit...
I took my daughter to a day care center this morinig so that I can attend an briefing session of hello work today. I still worry about her whether she will be fine all day,but attending is nessesary to get an unemployment insurance. It can't be helped! I need to move on and study Engilsh before depature to hello work.
I took an interview test of Eiken this morning. I was so nervious since I hadn't spoken in English more than 3 years. While I was taking, I felt my brain became blank completely and din't know what I was talking. Hope the interivewer was very nice...
Oh! I'm so sorry for my laziness. I haven't written this almost 2 months.
Since my daughter becomes too active girl, I have almost no time to do something for myself thses days, but somehow she has fallen asleep since 4 pm, whice is so rare case by the way, I have free time now! Yeah!! She hasn't had denner yet, so... I'm wondering if I should wake her up.
Hello, Kachako-san,
Although it is a little late, but バースデーCONGRATULATIONバースデー for your eiken!!! yeah~指でOK It must be your treasure!

Hi! Thank your for leaving a messeage and heartful comment. A job I plan to apply next year requirs a Eiken gread and now I releaved that I could pass it. I hope I will be able to get the job!



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