

英語日記広場コミュのHi's Diary

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Hi everybody,

As I am working at a foreign capital company,
I want to improve my English skill.

Today I declare I will start writing English diary!

However, I assume I won't be able to continue this every day.
I will try my best, but without any stress.

I hope to be corrected or informed if there is any better phrase I can use for my diary,
so anybody please don't hesitate to correct my English.

Best regards,


I played tennis on the weekend. I feel refreshed after exercising. Today I'm suffering from muscle ache...
I am going to go to the inland of China for about 10 days from next week. I am sure it will be a great experience in my life.
I'm thinking about taking Chinese Test in June. These days I'm studying to pass it. 加油手(グー)
No, I learn it by a teacher, otherwise I wouldn't keep studying it only by myself :P
To begin with, you may refer to the NHK radio channel broadcasted every day, morning and evening. It takes about only 15 minutes per day. Few pressure, huh? ;)
I like Dan-Sha-Ri. These days I wake up early to clean up my room. When I remove something from my room, I feel my room is refreshed!
Yesterday night I found a cockroach in my room 泣き顔泣き顔泣き顔 It was on the floor near the sink. I screamed and hurriedly killed it by spraying disinfectant. It was a terrifying night 泣き顔
Coming back from China, I'm already searching next trip in August. Is it too early to search?? I want to go to Taiwan with few budget!!
Thank you!! I hope I can go to Taiwan!
Hi-san, Nice to meet you!
I've been to Taiwan last Feb.
It'was so good.
Food is cheap and nice, shopping is fun.
I tryed to take a changing photo.
It was very fun.
Hello, thank you for your comment!
Last Feb!! Glad to hear that!!
I'm also thinking about taking that kind of photo. It must be fun!
I'm wavering between joining a tour with free plan, or organizing everything by myself~
I joined a tour with free plan.
I think that it is comfatable to go to a hotel and city from the airport.

Changing photo was so good.
I felt like a model.
Thanks a lot for the info! Finally I decided to organize everything by myself. But your info helped me, thank you!
So now I may search for the hotel and the photo shop ;)
I played tennis on the weekend. Today I feel my right arm is muscle ache...
This weekend I'm going back to my hometown. My sister and I are going to cook dinner as a present for late Mother's Day.
These days I cannot get up early. I need to get up earlier to study Chinese!
I got a call from my old friend yesterday. We just talked about daily life, and it was all. I'm glad to find out that our friendship has been going on.
Yesterday I studied Chinese until midnight. It was long ago when I last studied something so hard. I need to strive to pass the exam coming on next month.
Through this week, I have my Chinese lesson twice. Because, my teacher gives me additional lesson for aiming at the exam next month. I appreciate her for having so much enthusiasm to teach me.
From when I started studying Chinese, I found my favorite artist whose name is Zhou Jielun. He is a Taiwanese, and is famous worldwide, so you may know him. I love his songs very muchハート達(複数ハート)
Thank you for your comment! If you're interested in J-Pop music, you may like his songs. Yes, all of his songs are in Chinese.

His famous musics are:
musics by 周杰倫

Of course I love these songs!!!
These 2 days I didn't study Chinese. From today I start studying it every day again!
Usually I go to the office by bicycle. But today, because I got up earlier than usual, I came to the office on foot. I like walking because it refreshes me. So today I feel very satisfied!
I listen to Chinese radio channel at home. I cannot catch almost all the words though...:P But I believe this must be a good practice to get used to Chinese pronunciation.
I tried a practice exam of 3rd grade of Chinese Test. My teacher is going to check my answer today. We'll see the result afterward.
I'm going to take the Chinese Test this weekend. I hope I will do my best!
I took Chinese Exam on the weekend. I was surprised it was more difficult than the latest exams. I deeply hope I could pass it!!
I passed the Chinese exam! Now I am studying for higher level of it. The next exam is taking place on November. Cheer myself up!
These days I have so fine days. I wake up early in the morning, have breakfast, prepare a lunch box, study Chinese, sometimes even wash clothes, and then go to the office on foot instead of riding on a bicycle. Because I wake up early, I have enough time to do many works. I need to keep this custom.
My sister and I are going to go to Taiwan next month. I have to make a plan. I'm so excited~!
There is no one in my office today because everyone is going outside to meet the customers. Usually I can relax in such circumstances, but today I cannot because I have many works to do since it is the beginning of the month! busy~
Thank you for your kind message! I am not so good at Chinese so far, but I hope I can communicate with Taiwanese using Chinese!
Mr. Uchimura has got a gold medal!! I'm so excited!! The second gold medal for Japan!!
I'm going to go to Taiwan from tomorrow! It seems it will be rainy everyday though... Anyway, I'm so excited!!
I got married!! I am so happy being with my husband every day.
Congratulations! Your diary made me happy, too. ;-)



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