

ec 08コミュのかわらばん 壱 HR ニュースレター

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!!ノン・クリスチャントラック スモールグループリーダー (略してNCSGL) 大募集!!


↓NCトラックのディレクター、宇賀 飛翔(うが ひしょう)君からのメッセージです↓


のディレクターをやらせてもらってます、宇賀飛翔(うが ひしょう)と申します。「ひしょう」と呼んでください。今はロサンジェルスで伸び伸びと大学生活を送ってます。そして、ECの二週間前に卒業する予定です。ラストスパート!同時に今はEC08に向けて、神様にあって大いに喜び、期待して準備をしてる所です。去年はNCプログラムのアシスタントディレクターをやらせて頂き、かなり良かったのでこんな感じでもう一回かかわろうと思いました。その準備の中でNCプログラムのスモールグループリーダー(SGL)を探していてこのメールを書いています。







↑興味を持ってくださった方は、どすどすご連絡くださいませ〜↑ equipper@equipper.org



Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=35448228014


Hello Friends☆,
This is Megumi Kurata, from PR dept (of one;) for ec08.

Thanksgiving is at our door. We hope you are enjoying the season!
Here are some hot news related to the ec. Check them out!

!!Non-Christian Track Small Group Leader (NCSGL) WANTED!!

In addition to the main program, we will have special tracks such as for children, youth, and English speakers.
Each track has its own team dedicated to put together a special program to suit various needs of the attendee.
Non-Christian track (NC) is one of such programs. It aims to provide a place where NC attendees can comfortably spend time and have fun.
Please encourage your NC friends to join us at the conference!

↓Below is a message from Hisho Uga, the director of NC track↓


I'm Hisho Uga, and I'm serving as the director for the Non-Christian Program (NC program). Please call me Hisho. I'm currently enjoying my college life in Los Angels and am scheduled to graduate two weeks before the ec. I'm spurting in the last stretch! At the same time I am very much rejoicing with anticipation in my preparation for the ec08. Last year I had an awesome time as the NC program assistant director, and decided to get involved with it again. I'm now writing this message in search of small group leaders (SGL) as a part of preparation for the NC program.

NC program's small group (NCSG) is made up with half and half ratio of Christians and Non Christians as a basic rule. Each group will have four to seven people. SG will be held during the Bible study hour in the morning and after the evening meeting with the main group.This gives us opportunities to talk with Non-Christians who are feeling a bit out of place in the retreat center full of Christians, yet at the same time being touched by God one way or the other. Through out the day we can be there for them to talk to, escape to, be understood by, and be friends. And when God's timing hits we can be there as NC attendee makes the decision to accept Christ. Please don't hesitate to contact us for more detailed information if you are interested.

NCSGL is guaranteed to be blessed. We can spend five days with them to shower God's love. If you are interested in becoming NCSGL, please provide answers (even the short ones) to below questions.

? Your testimony. (However long or short as you wish. I intend to read them all. I just like listening to other people's testimony).
? Your feelings for ministry to Non-Christians. (It doesn't necessarily have to do with ec. It could be something general that you are feeling in your life).
? Your experience with ministry to Non-Christians. (Within a specific ministry group, as an individual, or even if you didn't have much of it)
? Any questions you may have.
? Anything at all!

Please don't miss out on this opportunity. Pray about it and join if you felt the calling!

I'm looking forward to serving Jesus with you.

Hisho Uga

↑If you are interested, please contact us↑ equipper@equipper.org

!?Did you know!?

In addition to JCFN's ec website, there are ec communities in Facebook in addition to Mixi.
There will be ec related news update there, so please join us! There are also information exchange and fellowship online b/w attendees there. So check them out!e

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=35448228014

If you have any question or comment, please contact us at equipper@equipper.org any time.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!



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