

トラッカースクールコミュのWorld Wide United Tracker パイプセレモニーのお知らせ

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12/20正午(Eastern time)
12/21 2:00am(日本時間)
にRazor's Edgeオーガナイズによるトラッカーファミリー世界一斉のパイプセレモニーがあります。Philosophy1でパイプセレモニーを習い覚えてる人は、パイプを、習っていない人も、深く祈ることで、強力に届くと思います。

"to both profoundly strengthen the bond and consciousness that exists with all members of the Tracker family and to pray hard for protection, awareness, and guidance for all members of this family"

Tom says
"It has a lot of power in people individual and groups doing that kind of ceremony, not just throughout the United States and Canada, but throughout the world wherever Tracker Family members are located, has a lot of power to it. As you see, when you take prayer, you elevate it the dimention of ceremony, where every fiber of your being is poured into that ceremony, the results, the impact is nothing less than staggering, absolutely astounding the results. And this kind of thing is gonna work miracles, especially in now when we need it the most. Pray...that everyone can join in on the December 20 pipe ceremony

以下Elizabeth より

On Sunday, December 20 (a day before Solstice), hundreds of Tracker family members around the world will join together in lifting the pipe. The pipe will be lifted at noon eastern time.

The Pipe Ceremony, as taught at the Tracker School, is a beautiful gift that Tom, Grandfather and the Lineage have handed down to us. Being a part of this family, we all can participate, whether we are lifting the pipe like we were trained to do, or sitting in prayer and surrender. It is a powerful ceremony drawing us closer to each other as sisters and brothers.


The theme of this Pipe Ceremony is to both profoundly strengthen the bond and consciousness that exists with all members of the Tracker family and to pray hard for protection, awareness, and guidance for all members of this family. This ceremony, which we have been doing together quarterly for over two years now, has been credited with creating a much needed shift in our sisters and brothers lives when all seemed lost; a feeling of connection, strength and protection when it was most needed; and even with saving a brother’s life after one of the pipe ceremonies.


Please join us. Hundreds of the Tracker family throughout the world will be participating, from the eldest members (the Coyote Thunder Medicine Society) to the newest members who have only just recently joined us.

If you are unsure about aspects of the Pipe Ceremony, please contact me at razorsed@xplornet.com.

If for any reason you are unable to lift the pipe at this particular time―including not having learned the pipe ceremony in Philosophy I―please simply sit in quiet, surrendered prayer, joining with your sisters and brothers throughout the world who are able to present the pipe.

Pour yourself into this; surrender deeply to this. We are making a tremendous difference in our Tracker family’s lives, both now and in the future.


--Elizabeth Moes
Elder for Tracker
Editor of The Razor’s Edge



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