

GUY PERRYMANコミュの新しいプロジェクト: Presentific

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Firstly an apology that this is a group email - going out to close friends, family & connections scattered around the world.

It is the very reason we are scattered around the world that inspired me to create my new project Presentific. Shared time with people is the most valuable gift we can have.

This email is to invite you to participate in the global launch of Presentific on Saturday December 13 2008. My aim is to have gatherings of inspiring people in about 40 locations around the world on the same date.


What is Presentific??

Presentific is the answer to gift giving. It is an interactive service & project for giving experiences as presents. Our lives are full of stuff we don't need. However we often miss the people we care most about.

Do you remember what you did on your last birthday?
Do you remember what presents you received on your last birthday?

If you answered yes & no - Presentific is for you!! Unless you drank too much on your last birthday - but that's OK.

Give someone a memory of an experience that they'll keep forever - not something they'll put away & forget.
The experience given is up to the imagination - it can be anything - from free to high end. Here's the idea - a walk in the park, a picnic, a shared book reading, dinner for two, a quiet night in, a noisy night out, live music & entertainment, a sports event, an extreme sports adventure, spa treatment, learning course, a weekend away, a trip around the world..
The Presentific website will be full of inspiring ideas for giving experiences. You do not buy the experience from Presentific - but the website has links to products & services if you are interested.


Shared experiences are the most interesting things we can do in life - so Presentific is also about sharing the experience..

On the Presentific website you can write about, make comments & create a blog about your experiences. Communicate with friends & family around the world about their experiences, share & learn about experiences & get inspired by other peoples life experiences.


Here's the thing that makes Presentific totally unique..

I have created the Presentific Card. It is a funky designed little card that acts as a new style greeting card. You give someone an experience & also give them a Presentific Card. The card has an original number code - so you can go to the Presentific website & start the card's original blog. Write your message to the person you're giving the gift to on the website. Both the giver & receiver can communicate, write comments about & share the experience on the website.

But here's where it gets interesting..

The person who was given the experience & the Presentific Card will keep the memory of the experience forever - but they cannot keep the card forever - they keep it moving - pass the card on to someone else & give that person an experience too. And so on & on - the card & different experiences get passed on around the world. Everyone who connects with the card can write about & share their experience on the card's original blog on the website. Everyone can track the journey of the card & read about all of the people & the experiences that connect with that card!!

And that's Presentific.

The catch phrase is - Give an experience. Share an experience. Pass it on..

Presentific should be fun, inspiring & useful. Presentific has no sponsor or corporate backing - it is 100% my private project. It is a new concept so I have no idea how people will interact with it - but I'm going to launch Presentific into the big wide world & see what happens. And I'd love you to be part of it.

The Presentific official launch date & shared global experience is Saturday December 13 2008. I am holding a big reception for about 1000 people in Tokyo at the very swank Mado Lounge on the 52nd floor of Mori Tower Roppongi Hills. I'm hoping many of the people I'm connected with around the world can be part of the launch experience on the same date. I realise this is short notice - so if this date is not good for you I'd be happy for you to organize something anytime that suits.

So what do you have to do? Just bring together a group of people (any number from 2 upward) & have a shared experience - a picnic, a dinner, lunch, drinks in a bar, a bicycle ride, a walk, a party, a journey .. you name it - it's up to you. I'm very sorry I have no budget to contribute to your experience - but let me know how many people you can get together & I'll send you free Presentific cards for each person. I must know the numbers & your postal address by Sunday November 30th. I'm hoping that you & your gathering can write about & share your experience on the Presentific website. As we head into the traditional gift giving season Presentific is the spirit of generosity - so join in the fun & be part of this unique experience!!

Just for your info..
The Presentific website www.presentific.com will go live the first week of December 2008 - more info will be available there. Presentific Cards will be sold on the website & at select retail stores for \500(aprox US$5/AUS$5/BRITPND3). For participating in the launch you will receive cards for no cost for you & your guests. Presentific cards are not vouchers or redeemable gift cards. They are not to be re-sold. Cards are used only as a greeting card & activate the on-line sharing blog. Standard internet access is required but there are no registration fees or additional costs related to the use of the Presentific card or website. Presentific is not responsible for experiences given or received. c 2008 Guy Perryman.

Thanks for reading this rather long winded email. I do hope to hear from you soon.

All love


Give an experience. Share an experience. Pass it on..




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