

English GrooveコミュのNew Video Question 02

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Video Question 02


Peter From Poland

Peter: Hello, I'm Peter. I'm from Warsaw in Poland.
William: What language would you like to learn?
Peter: I'd like to learn German better.
William: Can you say something in German?
Peter: I think I can say, "Wie Gehts" which means "How are you?"
William: nice. Good Luck Peter.
Peter: You too.
Willam: How do I say "Good Luck" in Polish?
Peter: "Powodzenia!"


Q: What language would you like to learn? Why?

Q: Can you say something in that language?


Alice from English

Alice: Hello, my name is Alice. I'm from England, and I would love to learn Italian. "Arivaderci"
William: Is that all you can say in Italian?
Alice: "Ciao" No, that's all.
William: What's your favorite Italian food?
Alice: Pasta and Pizza, so maybe Pasta on a Pizza. I just think it's a really passionate language and I'd love to learn it.
William: It is. "Ciao Bella"

Shachar from Israel

Shachar: My name is Shachar. I'm from Israel and I would like to learn Arabic.
William: Can you say something in Arabic?
Shachar: In Arabic? I can say "Merhabab" which is Hello in Arabic. And "Shokran" which is Thank You.
And I don't (can't) think about any other words now.
William: How do I spell your first name?... Shalom!

Jillian from Australia

My name is Jillian Marshal, and I'm from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. And the language that I would most like to learn is Spanish. I've actually had some classes, but haven't actually put it into practice by going to South America or Spain, or spending much time in Spain.
William: Can you say something in Spanish.
Jillian: One thing I can say, "Ola, Como estas, Mui Bien, Un Poquito" which is a little. When people ask you how much Spanish you can speak. Other Bits and Bobs, yeah. Gracias. Guapo "Handsome".

Jordan from Australia

Jordan: Japanese is good. I know a tiny bit of Japanese. My name is Jordan. I'm from Birsbane, Australia... and I would like to learn Japanese.



(1) ビデオを見て、できるだけ意味を捉える.
(2) テキストを読み、聞いたことのない単語を調べる.
(3) もう一度ビデオを見て、100%理解するようにする.
(4) 質問に回答、もしくは、コメントを残す


For me... I'd like to learn more Japanese.
I would love to be able to read and write in Japanese, but now I think I'm too lazy and stupid. Too many Kanji!!!
Hi! Bill☆
I'd like to say about me...
certainly English!
If I can watch movie without subtitle,
It's really exciting,right?グッド(上向き矢印)

You know, Kanji is really tough stuff..
For me,If I can read difficult one,sometime I can't write it.
And kanji has some rule. For example which part write first..

Hi, Wild Bill! Nice to meet you!!
I found this community these days and it's very interesting for me coz I wanna travel all over the world before I die. And... I'd like to learn more English.
So, I'm looking forward to your new video!
If it's OK, I would like you to ask travelers...
Which country would you like to go next? Why? or Which country would you like to go again? Why?
Hi プリねえ !

Yes, Kanji is maybe the most difficult writing system in the world.
Good luck with English, it can also be difficult. Don't give up!

Hey H !

Thanks for the comments and the question. Which country next? Got it!
I'll ask that for sure, for a coming video. Thanks! Good luck with your world travel dreams.


Hi, how's everything going? Bill.

Long time no see.

I would like to speak English fluently. In additon, I would like to improve my pronunciation.

Becase i want to work abroad in the future and do more communication.

In fact, i'm going to go to NZ in a month. So, I do my best.

Yes, I can. lol bye-bye.
Hey Zilch!

Great! Have fun in NZ and keep on speaking English.

You'll have a great time I'm sure!

Keep in touch.

Hi,Wild Bill! Nice to meet you!
I've studied English for 9 years though,I also would like to study Spanish!

Because I learned about Spanish and culture. They were so interesting!

I'll keep studying both languages and culture!

Then,nice talking with you.
See you!!
Hi チャル !

Buena Suerte! Good Luck!

Both English and Spanish are great languages to learn.

Have fun!



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