

English GrooveコミュのMasala180 Video Ch02

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Book Video Ch02: THE SIMPLE LIFE

The 2nd video from the coming Book + DVD.
Hope you like it!

高音質の音声はヘッドフォンで聴くのがベスト ヘッドフォン


When I travel, I like to experience worlds very different from my own. I want to visit places where the people’s lives are totally unlike my own. In Morocco with my friend and photographer Masashi Mitsue... we experienced such worlds and we visited such places. It was an amazing trip for me.

The small quiet mountain village of Tichki is exactly what I’m talking about. So remote and so beautiful. It’s so far off the tourist trail, few outsiders will ever visit, but those who do go there are well rewarded.

The mountains of Morocco are dotted with isolated villages, where people don’t have much and they don’t need much. But even so, they work and play, live and love, and enjoy their lives just like we do. And sometimes, but not always, I think they’re happier than we are.

There’s something we can all learn from such a culture. There’s something wonderful about such a simple and uncomplicated way of life.

Today was Jiri’s 8th birthday. We took the boys to the zoo. Thay had a great time and so did we. I don’t remember what I did on my 8th birthday. I’m sure I did something fun. I wish I could remember. I wonder if Jiri and Teo will remember this day when they grow up. I hope so.

Every morning I take the boys to school, and pick them up in the afternoon. For them it’s like an amusement park ride. Eyes wide open as the big world passes by. I wouldn’t trade this time with them for anything. Their school is actually on Khaosan Road! Man! My boys go to school on Khaosan Road. How cool is that?

The most beautiful thing I saw this week. Young monks on the river boat. Everytime I see them, I think my life is too complicated. I want to find that kind of peaceful place inside myself. I want to experience that different world.

Maybe I don’t have to go around the world or trek to a remote mountain villages. Maybe we all have a simple and quiet place deep inside of us. Maybe that’s where I need to go.

A place that few people will ever visit, but those who do go there, are well rewarded.


高音質の音声はヘッドフォンで聴くのがベスト ヘッドフォン



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