

English GrooveコミュのMasala180 Video #11

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Masala180 Video #11 “新たなおもいで”

高音質の音声はヘッドフォンで聴くのがベスト ヘッドフォン


New Memories

The last time I saw my grandmother, she was 102 years old, and still beautiful... and funny.

She really was an amazing woman, and I asked her to tell me her secret.

William: What's the secret to a long and happy life?
Grandma: Treat everybody right.
William: That's right. Treat everybody right and...
Grandma: And love God. You can't do anymore than that.

She lived to be 105 years old, and I miss her a lot.

I often think about my grandmother, and I wonder if I'll live to be 105 years old.
If I do live that long... what will I remember of my life?
What will I remember?

All that I've done. All that I've known.
Will it all disappear in the end?
Will it all go black... or do we get another chance?

Maybe it's not the end.
Maybe we get a new body and a new life.
Maybe we come back and begin again.

More time to live and love and laugh and grow and experience a different world.

A second chance to try and get it right.
Learn what we need to learn.

Another opportunity to become a better, stronger person.
To grow up and start a family.
To love and be loved.

To face new challenges, and overcome our fears.
To become the very best people we can be.

And as we go out into this new and beautiful world...
We might discover that all we need to be happy, is right here, right now.
It's not in the future and it's not in the past, but in this moment.

If you want to find the truth, you can see it in the eyes of children.
They understand just how important those moments really are.
They live in the moment.

And maybe these moments and these memories are all that we have.
Maybe we don't get another chance.

So if this life is all there is.
And if these memories and these moments are the only ones we'll get.

Then maybe we should treat everybody right, love God...
And enjoy this life as much as we can.

高音質の音声はヘッドフォンで聴くのがベスト ヘッドフォン



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