

English Grooveコミュのオーディオ アドベンチャー 02

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オーディオ アドベンチャー 02
Minami from Japan, talks about her one year trip.

(1) 音声を聴いて、できるだけ意味を捉える.
(2) テキストを読み、聞いたことのない単語を調べる.
(3) もう一度音声を聴いて,100%理解するようにする.
(4) 質問に回答、もしくは、コメントを残す



W: Hi, how are you?
M: Fine.
W: What's your name?
M: My name is Minami.
W: Nice to meet you. Minami, where are you from?
M: I'm coming from Japan. Kanagawa.
W: Is that near Tokyo?
M: Yeah, the down (south) side of Tokyo.
W: How old are you Minami?
M: Now, 25.
W: What do you do in Japan? Do you work or a student?
M: Yeah, but now I quit (my) job and coming to travel, and did one year and two months.
W: Wow, that's a long trip. One year and two months. Was that expensive?
M: No, because I've been to India and Nepal and Thailand. It's (they're) not expensive countries, it's (they're)
cheap countries, yeah.
W: So One year and two months. Where did you go? India, Nepal...
M: And Thailand. That's it.
W: Well that's good!

I really feel like, If everyone in the world could spend a year traveling in different countries... experiencing
different cultures... It would help make the world a better place.
The things we learn, and share, and bring back with us, are so important, and in the end, help us better
understand ourselves. And I think, help us better understand the world.

W: So you were studying Indian flute?
M: Yes.
W: Like bamboo flute.
M: Yes, bamboo flute
W: Nice. Did you study flute in Japan... like Japanese bamboo flute?
M: No, No, this is the first time, yeah.
W: Is it difficult to learn?
M: Yeah, at first it was very difficult, but now practice, practice... and keep learning and coming, coming. It's
a lot of fun.

W: So one year and two months. Where did you go? India, Nepal...
M: And Thailand. That's it.
W: Yeah, but that's good. Which place do you really remember? Like wow, this place was fantastic.
M: It's... I think Nepal. I say the Himalaya mountain. It's beautiful and too much big, high. Amazing place, and
India also. Banares, Varanasi. I was learning flute in Varanasi, that's why I like it. Holy place.
W: Was it difficult to travel alone, as a girl, in India and Nepal.
M: No, it's not difficult, yeah, Because many people help me. Local people and travelers also, yeah.
W: Did you have any bad experiences while you were traveling?
M: Umm, no. Everything is a good experience for me... positive.


Song: Dawdle
アーティスト: Gurdonark

*Flute Music by Minami.



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