

ヲウチギャラリーNYコミュのKIYO Clay Dolls Exhibition "NAGOMI"

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Clay Dolls Exhibition "NAGOMI"

Opening Reception:5/25(tue) 7-10pm
Exhibition:5/26(wed)~5/30(sun) 12-6pm
(wednesday:appointment only)

Relief Clay Workshop at opening reception
KIYO will perform how to make relief clay dolls,and you can join it!

Kiyo was born in 1944, during World War II, in a country town in Kyushu, the southern part
of Japan.
She'd created dolls made of cloth from an early age, and has loved dolls all her life.
After she brought up her 3 children, she started learning to make clay dolls.

She tries to send messages through her works.
When she made a large statue of a prajna [a japanese traditional figure of Buddhism], she
expressed her anger at the news of terrorism.
when she made a small child doll, she commemorated her son who died at the age of four.
Kiyo hopes that You will receive the messages of her dalls.

She has put her experience as a dressmaker to use in clay doll works.
In all of her works, the attachments and clothes of the dolls are handmade.
Especially, she spent much time on these objects, such as Japanese sandals, fans, shoes,
She hopes You wil enjoy the objects as well as dolls themselves.

Here is an introduction of Kiyo by her master Nishimura FELIZ.
Kiyo has always improved her dolls.
I feel her passion for continuous challenge from her works.
Self-satisfaction is boring for creators and visitors.
People want something not only existing or just new, but also unique.
Kiyo is reaching the acme of perfection in her field.
However, she is never satisfied. I see no self-satisfaction in her works.
You feel fantastic by seeing the spirit of her challenge to climb to great artistic
I will continue to expect change in her work in the future.

170 Tillary Street, Suite 507, Brooklyn, NY11201
Email: info@ouchigallery.com
Phone: 347 987 4606




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