

ブラックホーク・ダウンで英会話コミュのEnglish conversation Two.

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グライムジーとブラックバーンとのReporting for dutyの

Last name.
First name, todd.
So, what's it like?
What's what like?
Mogadishu. The fighting.
Serial number.
Firstly, it's "The Mog" or simply "Mog"
No one calls it Mogadishu here.
Secondly, I wouldn't know about the fighting, so don't ask.
Why not.
Didn't I just say, "Don't ask?"
You looking like you're about 12, so let me explain something to you.
I have a rare and mysterious skill that precludes me form doing missions.
Can you type?
Date of birth.
Well, I,m here to kick some ass.
Let's bring it in.

Nice, man! Very smooth!
Single shot through the engine block.
Shit, that's a shame. That was a nice jeep.

Cease fire! Cease fire!
Check your weapons!
Sergeant Eversmann.
Private First class Blackburn.
Reporting for duty.
Not to me. You're reporting to Lt. Beales.
He should be here somewhere.
Can I leave him with you?
Yeah, go ahead.
You brought your weapon.
Yes, sir.
Want me to shoot? I'm rested.
When did you get in?
Just now, Sergeant.

Hey, who's hungry?

What is this, Sarg'nt? Another taxpayer-funded Delta safari?
Not if General Garrison is asking.
I'm asking.
Have a nice meal, captain.
Hey, man, there's a line.
I know.
Well, this isn't the back of it.
Yeah, I know.
Sergeant. Sergeant.
What's going on here?
Some aerial target practice, sir.
Didn't want to leave it behind.
I'm talking about your weapon.
Delta or no Delta, that's a hot weapon.
You know better than that.
Safety should be on at all times in base.
Well, this is my safety, sir.
Let is go, sir The guy hasn't eaten in a couple of days.
You Delta boys are a bunch of undisciplined cowboys.
Let me tell you something, sarg'nt.
When we get on a five-yard line, you're going to need my Rangers.
Y'all better learn to be team players.
We're done here.

Speak up. You say this is your safety?
Well, this is my boot, son.
And it will fit your ass with the proper amount of force.
Is that a jersey accent
I'm trying to do this, give me a break.
Take those sunglasses off.
Delta wants to wear Oakleys, that's their business.
I don't want to see them on you again.
Is that a hot weapon?

Is that your move?
Is my hand on the piece?
I can mate you in three whatever you do.
I'd keep my eye on that queen before counseling others.
Well, she's just lying in wait.

It's good. You're really improving.
If may make a suggestion
Go ahead.
It's a children's book, right?
They are not supposed to scare the living shit out of the children.
This is the part of the story where our knight is slaying the dragon.
That's scary. Besides, my daughter love this stuff.
Thought you finished that last week.
You done?



Hey, we are at the 10-yead line here, man.
You understand?
Can you count? One, Two, ten.
Okay? Where are my running backs?
Where are my running backs?
Hey, I didn't see you at church on Sunday.
You had something more important to do?
Not on Sunday, you don't. Not anymore.
I will make you believe, you understand?
Pretty funny, hoo-ah?
It was a good impression. I recognize myself.
All right, carry on.
I'd like a word. specialist.
You understand why we have a chain of command, don't you?
Roger that, sir.
If you ever undermine me again, you'll clean latrines with your tongue
till you taste no difference between shit and French fires.
Are we clear?
Hoo-ah, sir.
All right.

Listen to this
If one skinny kills another his clan owes the dead guy's clan a hundred camels.
A hundred camels.
Camels. I wouldn't pay one camels.
Must be a lot of fucking camel debt.
Is that really turn, Lieutenant?
Ask Sgt. Eversmann. He like skinnies.
Sgt. Eversmann, you really like the skinnies?
It's not that I like them or I don't like them.
I respect them.
See, what you guys fail to realize is the sergeant is a bit of an idealist.
He believes in this mission down to his bones. Don't you, Sergeant?
Look, these people, they have no jobs no food, no education, no future.
I just figure that, I mean, we have two things that we can do.
We can help or we can sit back and watch the country destroy itself on CNN.
I don't know about you guys, but I was trained to fight.
Are you trained to fight, Sergeant?
Well, I think I was trained to make a difference, Kurth.
Like the man said, he's an idealist.
Oh, wait. This is my favorite part.
Stay away form the cans!
Die, gas-pumper!
stay away from those cans!
No, no, stay back.
He's having a seizure. Put something in his mouth.
John, it's okay. John, it's okay. it's okay.


Well he'll be fine. But not in this army.
He's out of the game. He's epileptic, going home.
I'm putting you in charge of his chalk.
You got a problem with that?
No, sir.
It's a big responsibility.
Your men will look to you to make the right decisions.
They're live depend on it.
All right.
Rangers lead the way, sir.
All the way.
Good luck son.

A meeting of Aidid's senior cabinet may take place today at 1500 hours.
I say "may" because we all know by now With the intel we get on the street,
nothing is certain.
This is actual intel
confirmed by three sources.
Two tier-one personalities may be present:
Omar Salad, Aidid's top political advisor
Abdi Hassan Awale, interior minister.
These are the guys we're after.
Today we go.
Same mission template as before.
1545, Assault Force Delta will infiltrate the target building...
...and seize all suspects within.
Security Force Rangers: 4 Ranger chalks, under command of Capt. Steele...
...will rope in at 1546...
...and hold a four-corner perimeter around the target building.
No one gets in out.
Extraction Force:
Lt. Colonel McKnight humvee column will drive in at 1547...
...on Hawlwadig Road and hold just short of the Olympic Hotel.
Wait for the green light.
Now once Delta gives the word...
McKnight's column will go to the target and load the prisoners onto trucks.
Immediately after the prisoners are loaded...
...the four Ranger chalks will collapse back to the target building...
...load up on humvees...and the entire ground force will exfil the 3 miles back to base.
Mission time, no longer than 30 minutes.
Now, I had requested light armor and AC-130 Spectre gunships...
...but washington, in all its wisdom, decided against this.
Too high-profile.
So Black Hawks and Little Birds will provide the air cover...
...with miniguns and 2.75 rockets.
Colonel Harrell.
In the C-2 bird, Colonel Matthews will coordinate the air mission..
...and I will coordinate ground forces.
Colonel Matthews.
Mission launch code word is lrene.
Which building is it, sir?
We're confirming that now. Somewhere near Bakara market.
I don't choose the time or place of their meetings.
I didn't say a word, sir.
Make no mistake, once you're in the Bakara market you're in an entirely hostile district.
Don't underestimate their capabilities.
We'll be in friendly neighborhoods before we hit the market...
...so remember the rules of engagement: No one fires unless fired upon.
Now, let's go get this thing done.
Good luck, gentlemen.

What's the matter, Danny? Something you don't like?
No spectre gunships, daylight instead of night...
...Afternoon when they're all fucked up on khat...
...only part of the city Aidid can mount a counter-attack on short notice...
What's not to like?
Life's imperfect.
Yeah. For you two, circling above it at 500 feet, it's imperfect.
Down in the street, it's unforgiving.

What the fuck, smith?
Well, what?
We going?
Why should I tell you that?
Because I'm me.
Yeah. 3:00. Downtown.
Bakara market.
All right.
Listen Smith, I need you to back me up out there today, all right? Keep sharp.
Yes, sir. Sergeant Eversmann.
Ev, it's going to be nothing, man. Nothing.

It's all in the grind, Sizemore. Can't be too fine, can't be too coarse.
This, my friend, is a science.
You're looking at the guy that believed the commercials.
About "be all you can be." I made coffee through Desert Storm.
I made coffee through Panama, while everyone else got to fight...
...got to be a Ranger.
Now it's "Grimesy, black, one sugar" or "Grimesy, got a powdered anywhere?"
What happened to you?
Ping-Pong accident.
So guess what. Your wish has been granted. You're going out today.
You're fucking me.
You're taking my place assisting the 60 gunner.
Sergeant Eversmann said to get your stuff and get ready.
It's what you wanted, isn't it?
On, yeah. Hell yeah.

Grimesy, stick with waddell and give him ammo when be need it. Hoo-ah?
I wouldn't worry about that, Generally speaking, Somalia can't shoot for shit.
Just watch out for the sammys throwing the rocks, and you'll be fine.
Might even be fun.
D-boys do their thing now. All we got to do is cover them.
Coppers going to cover us, and we'll be all right.
Look, you guys, this is my first time as chalk leader but...
...this isn't our first time out together. This is serious.
We're Rangers, not some sorry-ass JROTC. We're elite.
Let's act like it out there. Hoo-ah? Any questions?
We're going to be okay. Grab your gear. Let's move out.
You're not going to need that, dude.
We're not out there long enough.
You won't need that, either. We'll be back before dark.
You might as well take dope and beer instead.
Ammo, dude. Take ammo.
Let me tell you something, Grimes. You got 50 pounds of gear.
You don't need another 12. I don't know about you,
I don't plan on getting shot running away.
Well, I better keep mine in.
Grimes. Most important thing: Remember, when everyone is shooting,
shoot in the same direction.
Look at this. He's taping his blood type to his boots.
That's bad luck.
No, it's smart. All Delta do that.
That's bad luck too, man. Come on, let's go.
It's a good thing you're right-handed, Adonis.
If not, I don't know what you'd do.
You're a funny guy, man. I'm not taking no death letter.
We have a deal.
I'll give it to you back in an hour.
Blackburn, you okay?
Excited. In good way.
I've been training my whole life for this.
You ever shot at anybody before?
No, sir.
Me neither


2:29 PM

Think he's reliable?
Well, we'll see.

J.O.C. Joint Operations center.

It's his first time out.
Tell him to turn his damn radio off.
Yes, sir.
Tell him to turn his radio off.
Abdi, you need to turn your radio off.
Hi. You've reached stephanie and Randy, leave us a message. Thank you.
Hey baby, it's me. Are you there? Pick up if you're there.
I'm just calling to make sure everything's all right.
I'll call you in a couple hours. You'd better not be sleeping.
Your move, Randy.
I'm missing you. I love you, baby.
Hello? Hello?
Thanks, bud.
You know, it's kind of funny. Beautiful beach, beautiful sun.
Could almost be a good place to visit.
You don't think we should be here.
You know what I think? It don't really matter what I think.
Once that first bullet goes past your head, politics and all that shit...
...just goes right out the window.
I just want to do it right today.
Just watch your corner. Get all your men back here alive.

Now, is this supposed to be the place, or did his car just take a dump?
Abdi, come in. Abdi, can you hear me? Is this the place? Abdi, come in.
Can you hear me? Abdi. Abdi come in, is this the place?
To my right side, above the cafe.
He says this is the building.
He's certain?
Abdi, you need to be sure. Are you sure?
Well, it's down the road, two blocks over on my left.
But there's too many militia.
If I go closer, they might shoot me.
Now he's saying the building's a couple blocks down...
...but if he's seen outside it, he'll be shot.
I'll fucking shoot him myself.
Tell him I want his skinny ass parked in front of the building.
He's not getting paid till he does exactly that.

Three miles to the target. We're never off the main roads.
At K-four traffic circle, we turn north, then east on National
and we wait until extraction of prisoners is complete here.
Then we roll up in force on Hawlwadig
load the prisoners, the assault-blocking forces and bring them back.
Home in an hour. Okay?
There will be some shooting. Bakara market is the wild west.
But be careful what you shoot at. People do live there. Hoo-ah.

Last one of these guys shot himself in the head playing Russian roulette.

Sir, the vehicle is stopped.
So this is the real deal now. He's sure this time.
He sounds scared shitless.
Good. That's always a good sign.
That's it. That's our signal.
All right.
All QRF out of the airspace.
All QRF out of the airspace.



ブラックホーク・ダウンで英会話 更新情報

