


  • mixiチェック
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加

hope 〜を望む
      主語 wish S 過去形(過去完了)
      主語 wish to do
     ★hope for 名詞、long for 名詞の使い方を押える
      want 人 to do , expect 人 to do はOK
      hope 人 to doは間違い! hope that SVが正しい

join 〜に参加する
 ☆ 意味よりも類義語のチェックが重要です。
   join ≒ take part in , paticipate in , partake in

ask 要求する、訊ねる
 ☆ もちろんこの基本動詞も語法が重要です。

   (1)仮定法現在のask that S (should)原形
      He asked that I should be on time.
He asked that I be on time.   
   (2)第4文型のask 頼む
      May I ask you a favor?
      May I ask a favor of you?

organize 組織する、組み立てる
 ☆arrange , establish , set up等と一緒に押えて

department 部署
 ☆ めちゃくちゃ語彙が拡大できる語源partを押えましょう
   part 部分、細部

depart 去る、出発する 

   apart 離れて
   重要イディオム apart from 〜 〜はさておき
   compartment 仕切り
   partition 仕切り

   particular 特別な
   particle 微粒子

benefit 利益
beneficial 有益な
benevolent 慈悲深い

  malice 悪
  malevolent 悪意に満ちた

offer 〜を提供する
offer 提供する
suffer 苦しむ suffer from 病気
refer to 〜を参照する
defer 延期する
  defer to  〜に従う
  deter A from B AがBすることを阻む
differ from 〜と異なる
confer 話し合う conference 会議
infer 推測する
prefer 〜を好む
transfer 輸送する

employee 従業員
 ☆ employ 〜を雇う、取り入れる
   labor 労働
   hire 一時的に雇う
   fire 解雇する

representative 代表者
 ☆ represent 〜を代表する、あらわす
   ≒stand for

Question 16l-165 refer to the following e-mail message.

From: Julia Chen 〔j.chen@sanderson.com〕
To: Sanderson Staff-Lakewood
Subject: Fitness-at-work Program

You've probably heard about the new fitness-at-work program initiated by the head office to encourage us to incorporate some exercise into ourdaily work routine. Sandra Maxwell of personnel has taken on responsibility for the fitness-at-work program at the Lakewood facility. She has nominated me to set up a walking group, to be known as Walk at Work. We are lucky to work in a beautiful area surrounded by parks, so what better place to take a walk?

Walk at Work will meet during the lunch break, beginning next Monday. This aim is to walk together along the footpaths for at least twenty minutes. There will be two walks each day, one at 12:30 P.M. , led by me, and the second at 1:00 P.M., led by Jim Dixson.

This program is fully supported by Sanderson Associates , which has arranged for all staff who enroll in Walk at Work to receive a ten percent discount on membership at Lakewood Fitness Center, a state-of-the-art fitness complex with gyms, a swimming pool, and exercise classes.

We think this is a great idea, and we hope you will too, so why not join us? You can e-mail me or just meet us at the main entrance on Monday at 12:30 P.M. or 1:00 P.M.

Happy Walking!
Julia Chen

163 Who asked Ms. Chen to organize the walking group?

(A) Lakewood Recreation Department
(B) Sandra Maxwell
(C) Jim Dixon
(D) The management of Lakewood Fitness Center

164 What benefit is offered to employees who join
Walk at Work?

(A) They can attend swimming classes free of charge
(B) They will receive a bonus at the end of the
(C) They will be able to take a longer lunch break.
(D) They can save money at a local exercise center.

165 Who is Jim Dixon?

(A) He is a representative of Lakewood Fitness
(B) He is one of the leaders of Walk at Work.
(C) He is head of the personnel department
(D) He is a gardener at Lakewood Parks.



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