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What do you think we should do to totally eradicate the terrorism ?



I think everyone in the world needs to be kinder a little, and the terrorism will disappear.
I agree. People need to try to understand each other more!
I think it is big probrem because we are liveng in each environment on this earth and of-couse we have a way of thinking each other.And There is a tremendous gap between the rich and the poor.For ex between US and Africa etc.....but this issue has never finished.
If we can do to totally eradicate the terrorism,we should do any volunteer activity like Audrey Hepburn,UNICEF.....That is very diffuclut things.
It is very difficult to solve this problem. But I thought about this, and I my opinion.

Now we have much terrorism. This terrorism occurs because of religion fundamentally. Religion is a thought. Everyone doesn't have same thougt. So we can't control human's thougt. Humans are really liberal of thinking. So we have to accept various thinking.(Of course we must punish sin.)
↑yes, I agree to Tanaka~n's idea. We need mutual understanding to cooperate each other, however we haven't yet found the solution to reach to the compromise and consensus.....because everyone respect what they believe. ...MMM, I still cannot find the answer. please advise any good idea.
I think...
I think that the world without terrorism and the war never comes.

Because, it is proof of humans alive.

The human has an egoism.
Not only human but also all creature have it.

If the purpose of those creatures is for itself to live, the creature
attacks, kills, and eats at times other creatures.

Because, it is a serious problems for the creatures concerned in many cases.
However, it becomes a serious problem to the creature who was attacked, too.
Thus, the attacked each other cycle is continued. (It excludes case of one-sided attack.)

But, they will notice a thing necessary to alive besides the attack before long.
It is a mutual security agreement.
(It is making an agreement even by creatures other than human.)

The creatures who fought mutually will become tired before long, and effect an arrangement naturally.
As a result, peaceful days continue at a while.
However, the generation who doesn't know the fight is painful repeats the fight again.
The past time is repeated.

I am not experiencing the war. However, we heard painful of the war that grand parents had experienced.
For us to be able to do is only to tell it to the next generation.

Though the effect will thin before long...

To some degree, I agree with tanakasan. I think that in the world we live in NOW(!) religion is a big reason for fighting and hatred between people. I think that the problem with religion is that it often preaches elitism, which in turn causes the religion's followers to dislike or look down on other religions.
But one day I was having a conversation where I told someone that I thought it would be beautiful to see a world without religion, because it would really help to end war and hatred between people. And that person told me "Even if there was no religion, there would still be war."
And I realized that my friend spoke the truth.

So if we want to find a way to end war, we must really search for that way. Don't you think?
I would say that the answer is understanding ourselves, but that is a generic answer that everyone knows, yet nobody uses. So I think we should keep on searching for the answer. ねー?
I wish people would take the time to be kinder to one another. Also, we all have something in common, and we should try to find that common unity.

I think that America is too proud. I wish we could get a better President in USA!
I agree. America is way too proud. I myself am way too proud, and yes, we (the U.S.) definately need a better president. I would like to see a president who likes to sit down and have deep conversations with leaders from other countries and who was willing to try to understand that other people have their own way of life.
HECK YES! I don't see things getting better anytime soon. I'm proud when it comes to my culture, but I also can enjoy others cultures as well. I can't say I am proud of America, but I do feel very fortunate I was born in USA sometimes. Especially when I see the poverty of others...
Hey, are you from Oklahoma?? I am from Arkansas! Anyways, nice to meet you.
arkansas? wow!!! my family has a ranch in arkansas. But I haven't been there since I was a kid. Last I heard my grandma was renting it out.
And yeah, sometimes I get so annoyed with the narrow mindedness that is so... trademark of our country, or at least the south.
As for other cultures, I have been obsessed with foreign cultures every since I was very young. I studying every language that my highshool had to offer. Though I was only proficient(?) in spansih. And in college I've studied sanskrit, chinese and japanese. I love learning about other cultures, and languages. I think it really gives me a greater insight to my own culture. Don't you think so?
what about anyone else? what are your thoughts?



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