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■オランダはユトレヒトのPastoe Fabriekで10月21日から来年1月8日までマールテン・ヴァン・セーヴェレンの回顧展が催されます。

これはゲントデザインミュージアムを基点に巡回しているものでハートフォード(ミュンスターとハノーヴァーの間)に最近できたのフランク・ゲーリーによるMARTa Herfordで9月に行われたものと同じモノと思われます。キュレーションは息子のデイヴィッド・ヴァン・セーヴェレンが行っていてデュッセルのオープニングにはセーヴェレン一家(右)が集った模様です。


MARTa Herfordの写真家。良い。

■An exhibition in the Pastoe furniture factory features the work of internationally renowned Belgian furniture designer and interior architect Maarten Van Severen, who passed away in the spring of 2005. The exhibition examines his personal legacy and his cooperation with such key figures as architect Rem Koolhaas.

The exhibition contains a variety of objects, including furniture, interior designs, prototypes, photographs and his personal sources of inspiration. It shows all aspects of Van Severen’s work, as a furniture maker, interior designer and photographer. Part of the work on show was exhibited in the Ghent Design Museum in early 2005. Curator David Van Severen has added to the exhibition for Utrecht Manifest, with prototypes, design and spatial design projects, photographs and personal items.

Clarity and simplicity

The son of abstract-minimalist painter Dan Van Severen, Maarten Van Severen grew up surrounded by art. At first sight it would be easy to label his work, with its simple lines, as minimal as well. Maarten Van Severen was always wary of such terminology. For him minimalist design was all about reducing the person behind the designer. He was more interested in the concept of maximalist experience.

Van Severen’s furniture is characterised by very austere, almost architectural forms. Devoid of playfulness to allow the form to come through to its utmost. His furniture is timeless and therefore also durable. It is deceptively simple and imbued with a kind of naturalness.

Van Severen was also acclaimed internationally as an interior designer. For two years he ran the design group at Rem Koolhaas’ OMA (Office for Metropolitan Architecture). Among his projects there was the design for Villa Floirac near Bordeaux. Time Magazine called it the most important privately owned house of the twentieth century. In addition to the Koolhaas villa there will be work on show from the Van Abbe Museum, and Villa de l’Avera and Casa di Musica in Porto. What all these spaces have in common is clear proportions and balance.

Sources of inspiration

There is a clear evolution in Van Severen’s prototypes. In his early years as a designer there was limited interest in his work, however he went on to become the face of Belgian design. His prototypes evolved from visibly manual pieces to an industrial collection that had to meet much more exacting requirements. The prototypes reflect the changes in Van Severen’s studio: it went from being a one-person company to a large studio where he worked on a grander scale with an industrial approach.

Van Severen’s sources of inspiration give us an insight in to the man behind the designer. They include objects such as cutlery and knick-knacks he collected. Some of his photographs are also exhibited. Much of it is very personal. With regard both to the design and the way they are made.

Curator: David Van Severen, architect and founder of architects Office Kersten Geers David Van Severen.

Open daily from 11 am - 5 pm.
Exceptions: Monday 24 October closed, Thursday 27 October open 11-am - 9 pm

21.10.2005 - 08.01.2006
Pastoe Fabriek、Rotsoord 3 Utrecht

Public Transport
From Utrecht Centraal Station Tram number 6 in the direction Hoogravenor
bus 8 in the direction Lunetten Get out at the stop Tolsteegplantsoen
walk in the direction Tamoil, take the first street on the right (Rotsoord)
infront on you, you will see the Pastoe Fabriek



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