

JAPAN FETISH BALLコミュのJFB on 11/10! (Q/A) (英発)

  • mixiチェック
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For those attending the Japan Fetish Ball on Nov 10 (Sat).

As I have been getting a fair amount of questions recently, below are some tips and answers to the more common questions regarding this year's JFB.

More information is at the official website: http://www.tksociety.com

Other details and Q/A are below:

Q: What is it?
A: The Japan Fetish Ball is Asia's largest regular running dresscode fantasy / fetish party! It is only once a year, and is an assembly of all the major fetish and fantasy groups in Japan to present a unified event celebrating Fetish, Fantasy and Underground in a safe, sane, clean and positive environment!

Q: Where is it?
A: It is at Christon Cafe, in Shinjuku. The Map is at http://www.tksociety.com. When you get there, please enter through the rightmost elevator in the elevator hall and go to 8F. (The left two elevators are exit only and open to a separatr room, if you try to enter through those elevators, you will have to come back down and use the right most elevator to get in).

Q: When should I get there?
A: JFB will open at 11:45PM. Usually we open on time. We make sure the entrance is pretty heavily staffed so there are no long line ups as we don't like lines either. So the wait to get in should not be very long (if at all).

Q: What about dresscode?
A: This is real.. It is a dresscode only event. Most reasonable effects at costumes should be fine to get in. Sneakers, T-shirts and cotton clothes, jeans..etc. are nono's and will not pass. Anything interesting, artistic, cosplay, bondage..etc. is fine. If by chance you do not make dresscode, just go to Don Quixote down the street (same side of the street as Christon Cafe, towards Shinjuku station, pick up some cos-play there and come back, then you will get in no problem).

Q: Everyone looks so scary! is it safe?
A: Although the crowd is alternative, most people are very friendly and there are far fewer issues at JFB than most 'normal' nightclub events. There are Japan Fetish Ball and Tokyo Kink Society Staff with Orange name tags throughout the event. If you see or experience anything you feel is unsafe, or uncomfortable please go to a TKS staff orange tagged staff member right away and the problem will be taken care of immediately.

Q: When does JFB finish?
A: Scheduled end time is 5AM, however it may go for longer if there are many people still around at 5AM. This has happened some years.

Q: What is the show schedule?

Here it is!

A: (Main Stage)
1AM : Wagnin Bunmei
2AM : Chaos Royale
3AM : Nagare san (Bondage & SM)
4AM : Syban-UK

(Side stage)
1Am -5AM THE HOOKERS (suspenion show and play space)

(Upstairs (Decabar room) space)
TKS Pole dancing and gogo-girls will be performing on a floating schedule throughout the evening on 9F stage.

Q: Can I take pictures at JFB?
A: Cellphone photography is only allowed on the upstairs floor (9F). Downstairs (8F) no photography of any kind is allowed to ensure guests privacy. Large / professional cameras are not allowed anywhere in JFB unless approved by TKS before the event (and only on 9F). There are also 2 photo spaces on 9F you can go to have your picture taken by a professional photographer. Pictures taken in the studios will be on the TKS website at http://www.tksociety.com approximately 3 weeks after the event for you to download for free.

Q: Can I take video at JFB?
A: Not without prior permission of TKS (right now, only 1 lady, a videographer, has this permission for 9F only). There is no video or photography on the downstairs floor (8F) of the event of any kind by anyone. If you see anyone taking pictures down there, please report to a TKS staff immediately so we can stop them / eject them from the event.

Q: Is smoking allowed?
A: Smoking is allowed on the upstairs floor (9F) event space and Libido space only! 8F is a non smoking floor (with the exception of the "Libido" space located at the far end of 8F). This is to ensure clean fresh air for non-smoking guests as well as to protect rubber and other fragile costumes of guests worn in the event.

Q: Can I be on the guest list?
A: Not this year, but next year if you become more involved in TKS (i.e. come to our monthly Oasis and meet the staff) and help out at events, you can be on staff / guest list at future events in 2013!

Q: It is a lot cheaper than events in other country, how come?
A: Tokyo Kink Society is a non profit society formed to encourage the underground arts and performance scene. So are not trying to make money. If there is profit from an event, the money goes back into the event the next year (a better playroom, yay!) or prices are lowered so that more people can come the next time!

If there are any other questions, please write to tksociety@yahoo.co.jp and we will do our best to help you before JFB on November 10, 2012!

Charm and the Tokyo Kink Society Organizing Committee




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