

YouTubeで英語聞き取りコミュのConan - The Interrupter

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Conan - The Interrupter

Conan: oh rihgt...ah..we're bad at course (?)..ah..
my first guest is ah...

interrupter: Meeeee! The Interrupter!

Conan: The interrupter!? Oh No! not the..

Interrupter: the guy who finishes all of your sentences?

Conan: I thought I was...

Interrupter:(?) me for good?

Conan: I even gave you...

Interrupter: 300 bucks to leave town?

Conan: Would you probably...

Interrupeter: ruin all that money in the bus stage crack game?

Conan: Now, you are...

Interrupter: back to annoy you again?

Conan: So you're fully aware of how...

Interrupter: Incredibly annoying I am?

Conan: yet, you choose to...

Interrupter: persistently vary (?) behaivor and makes me social pariah?

Conan: I find that...

Interrupter: Incredibly sad...

Conan: Interrupter, Do you even...

Interrupter: have a real name?

Conan: Or did your parents just call you...

Interrupter: the thing we should bluff(?) at the track stop?

Conan: God! What kind of...

Interrupter: parents call the child something like that?

Conan: They must have been...

Interrupter: Illiterate hill people?

Conan: who probably...

Interrupter: blinded themselves using the homemade contact lens solution?

Conan: and got their kicks..

Interrupter: shooting mules with a flare gun?

Conan: How could...

Interrupter: Blind people shoot the mule with a flare gun?

Conan: Did they just..

Interrupter: Blast away(?) randomly to hurt something brave?

Conan: Wao, you sure have one...

Interrupter: messed up childhood?

Conan: you should really go....

Interrupter: talk to somebody?

Conan: and by somebody, I don't mean...

Interrupter: my poster Jeniffer Love Hewit with
Donald suddenly faced taped overhood? (???????)

Conan: God! What the hell...

Interrupter: is that all about!?

Conan: your idea of the....

Interrupter: perfect fantasy of Donald suddenly with the large new bio breast?

Conan: I think you should just...

Interrupter: skip therapy?

Conan: and go diretly to...

Interrupter: shop treatment?

Conan: and by shop treatment, I don't mean just...

Interrupter: grabbing the eloctified fence in home depot?

Conan: Home Depot has..?

Interrupter:The Eloctrified fence?

Conan:I guess they needed to...

Interrupter:keep out people like me?

Conan:who like to...

Interrupter:sneeking out to hours to sneap back to pit mose?

Conan: why can't you...

Interrupter: go sneap the pit mose during the normal business hours?

Conan:I guess, that way, eh..

Interrupter: seems less forbidden?

Conan: and makes it harder to stay...

Interrpter: sexually allowed?

Conan: What's sexually arousing about...

Interrupter: snipping people!

Conan: unless you think that's what...

Interrupter: Donald (Sudd?) breast's smell like?

Interrupter:(sigh) oh..I kind of I wish I hadn't

Conan: mentioned that last part?

Interrupter: even I know that...

Conan: pretty disturbing?

Interrupter: I just be need..

Conan: going now?

Interrrupter: If you need me, I'll be...

Conan: second catch up packet at the bath room at the Wendy's?

Interrupter: Bingo!

Conan:very nice. (?)

Conan: The Interrupter!!!



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