

BIRM07APRコミュのLast speach

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Hello! My name is Sarasa Sugawara.
I’d like to talk about Amish.
When I learned about Amish, I was interested in the strange living of people of the Amish.
First, what is Amish? The Amish is a minority race living in the State of Pennsylvania and Ohio of the United States of America. They continue refusing many of modern civilization and still protect the lifestyle that is near to the self-sufficiency of a European poor farm village of the 17th century rigidly.
Second, I will explain life of the Amish. They do not use electricity and the gasoline at all. Therefore, it means that they don't use not to mention the household appliances such as television, a refrigerator, the vacuum cleaner and the light. The room does not have the light. Because the light from a window plays a key role of the life, they live a life to say that they sleep when the sun right sets. Of course they do not use the telephone, a car, the motorcycle at all either. They use a carriage.
The clothes are extremely simple. The children wear a thing with the color to some extent, but the adult wears only a decided-colored thing. To see a mirror, to make up, to go to the beauty parlor and to take a photograph is prohibited as an outcome of the vanity. The Amish will not have the thing which they should make a boast of anything for many modern people who are going to have the thing which they can make a boast to some person. And they get up early in the morning and work for neighboring people not for themselves.
There is a very attracted things in the life of the Amish. Religion is not to show and to talk for the people but sink in our daily life calmly and practice. I think that it is important things for the people of today the way of thinking of Amish. The modern society which is competition as for all to wear the superior thing, to excel in some person. In that, people finding value towards the thing that is slower than the thing that is fast, they demand that they don't excel in other person, and they are not going to have something which can be proud. I am made to think about what is richness and what is really important thing.

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