

BIRM07APRコミュのSpeech 訂正版

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Hello everyone. My name is Morie Hirai.
I’m interested in a developing country.
So, I’m just talk about children in the world.

Last week, I watched a TV program.
The title is “If the world were a village of 100 people.”

I watched a boy who works for his family.
His name is Abedi.
His age is 9.
He has to work in a mountain because his father deserted them

His job is mining a hole to find gold.
Therefore, he must come in a hole.
He only uses a bar.
The size of hole is about 1 meter and the depth is about 15 meters.

The hole is fitted into grown size.
So he stretches his hand and foot and ups and downs.
If he slips, it means his death.
While he works, his meal is only water.

He lives in his boss’s house.
So, a day he can meet his family is a day in a week.
He often says “I want to live with my mother”
And a man asks about his treasure.
The answer was “Nothing. I have no a toy”
Then, he asked “Gold is such a good thing?”

Again I say.
He works to live with his family.
Do you know his dream?
It is to study in a school.

In Russia, there was a boy 10 years old.
His name is Sarsya.
He says “I want to protect my aunt and country.”
He was often taken a militarily training for his will.

He was ill-treated by his mother.
He wanted trivial love.
Besides, his father died.

A woman asked him “if you said “Go for war!!” do you go to there?”
He said “I’m going to go” at once.
And he said “I’m not fear to die for my country. Soldier only kill or killed.”

I was very very shocked.
Why does a boy say such a thing??
You must never kill a person!!!!!!
Why there are not person to stop him???
Who made as him like that??
I think that children must not say “KILL”.

After his father died, he said “Be a strong boy”
Are the words the cause?
It is wrong.
A true cause is terrorism and war.
So, it is connected with us very much.

The only help is that he said “It is the best there is not war”
His dream is “I want to live my father in a country.

I watched other children, too.
They live very robust but narrow.
Wrong is adult and a advanced country and us.
Have you ever become hard to live?
Please imagine world children.

Thank you.



そしたら Bravo!

So, I’m just talk about → So, I will just talk about

The title is → The title was

The hole is fitted into grown size. → The hole size is fitted for grown-ups.

If he slips, it means his death. → If he slips, it means death.

he can meet his family is a day in a week. → he can meet his family only a day in a week.

He was often taken a militarily training for his will.

And he said “I’m not fear to die for my country. →
And he said “I do not fear to die for my country.

Who made as him like that?? → Who made him like that??

His dream is “I want to live my father in a country.

Wrong is adult and a advanced country and us. → Who are wrong? Adults, advanced countries and us.

He was often taken a militarily training for his will.



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