

1.視覚と神経科学コミュのsensory motor integration (chat gpt play)

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Sensory motor coordination and sensory motor integration are related concepts that refer to the ability of the brain to coordinate and integrate sensory information with motor output to achieve complex movements and actions.

Sensory motor coordination involves the ability to use sensory information from various sources, such as vision, touch, and proprioception, to plan and execute movements. For example, when we reach for an object, our brain uses information from our eyes to locate the object in space, information from our muscles and joints to determine the position and movement of our arm, and information from our sense of touch to grasp the object.

Sensory motor integration, on the other hand, refers to the ability of the brain to integrate and process sensory information with motor output in real-time. This allows us to adapt our movements and actions based on changes in the environment, such as obstacles or unexpected events. For example, if we are reaching for an object and our hand encounters an obstacle, our brain can quickly integrate this new sensory information and adjust our movement to avoid the obstacle.

Both sensory motor coordination and sensory motor integration rely on complex neural processes that involve multiple regions of the brain, including the motor cortex, somatosensory cortex, and visual cortex. These processes are essential for normal motor function and are often impaired in conditions such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, and movement disorders.

Overall, sensory motor coordination and sensory motor integration are important aspects of motor control that allow us to interact with the environment and perform complex movements and actions.


what kind of neuronal network subserves sensory motor integration?

Sensory motor integration relies on a complex network of neurons that includes several different brain regions, including the primary sensory and motor cortices, as well as higher-order sensory and motor regions.

The somatosensory cortex, located in the parietal lobe, is involved in processing tactile and proprioceptive information from the body, which is essential for motor planning and execution. The motor cortex, located in the frontal lobe, is responsible for generating motor commands that control movement.

In addition to these primary sensory and motor regions, there are several higher-order sensory and motor regions that are involved in sensory motor integration. For example, the premotor cortex, located in the frontal lobe, is involved in planning and coordinating movements based on sensory input, while the posterior parietal cortex is involved in integrating visual and somatosensory information to guide movement.

The cerebellum and basal ganglia are also important structures for sensory motor integration. The cerebellum is involved in fine-tuning movements and motor learning, while the basal ganglia are involved in initiating and regulating movements based on sensory input and learned motor patterns.

Overall, sensory motor integration relies on a complex network of neurons that spans multiple regions of the brain, allowing for the seamless integration of sensory information and motor output to achieve complex movements and actions.



1.視覚と神経科学 更新情報

