

字幕YouTubeで英会話コミュのFamily Guy - Cool Whip

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Meg: Hey Brian.
Brian: Oh Meg, hey. Hey,listen,I hope you're feeling alright about our little talk the other day. You know, about us being just friends and all.
Meg: Oh,,,yeah.No,I'm fine I'm fine. And hey, look I,,I want to thank you for being so great to me. So I baked you a pie.
Brian: Oh wow.Hey,that looks delicious. Mmmmmm. Wow this is good! What's in there?
Meg: Well, there some apples, and some cinnamon,and my hair.
Brian: What?
Meg: My hair is in the pie,Brian. And now it's inside of you. Part of me, is inside of you Brian. Do you feel me Brian? Do you feel me inside of you?
Stewie: Ooh, you got some pie huh? Can I have a piece?
Brian: Uhh, sure.
Stewie: Ooo, let me have some of that Cool Huip.
Brian: What'd you say?
Stewie: You can't have a pie without Cool Huip.
Brian: Cool Huip?
Stewie: Cool Huip, yeah.
Brian: You mean Cool Whip?
Stewie: Yeah,Cool Huip.
Brian: Cool Whip.
Stewie: Cool Huip.
Brian: Cool Whip.
Stewie: Cool Huip.
Brian: You're saying it weird, why are you puting so much emphasis on the 'H'?
Stewie: What are you talking about? I'm just saying it Cool Huip. You put Cool Huip on pie. Pie tastes better with Cool Huip.
Brian: say whip.
Stewie: Whip
Brian: Now say Cool Whip.
Stewie: Cool Huip.
Brian: Cool Whip.
Stewie: Cool Huip.
Brian:Cool Whip.
Stewie: Cool Huip.



字幕YouTubeで英会話 更新情報

