

GardeniaコミュのPyrus spp ナシ

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界 : 植物界 Plantae
門 : 被子植物門 Magnoliophyta
綱 : 双子葉植物綱 Magnoliopsida
目 : バラ目 Rosares
科 : バラ科 Rosaceae
亜科 : ナシ亜科 Maloideae
属 : ナシ属 Pyrus

和なし (P. pyrifolia)
洋なし (P. communis) 等
ナシ属 (Pyrus) は、バラ目バラ科の植物分類項目の一つ。


日本ではヤマナシのほか、東北地方北部にイワテヤマナシ(Pyrus ussuriensis var. aromatica)、八ヶ岳周辺にアオナシ(Pyrus ussuriensis var. hondoensis)、愛知県・三重県にマメナシが自生する。

Pyrus amygdaliformis - 英名:Almond-Leaved Pear, Almond Pear - 南ヨーロッパから西アジアに分布。
Pyrus betulifolia - 英名:Birch-Leaf Pear、和名:マンシュウマメナシ・ホクシマメナシ - 中国北部に分布。和なし等の台木に利用されることもある。
Pyrus×bretschneideri - 和名:(チュウゴクナシ)- チュウゴクナシとマンシュウマメナシの雑種で、中国で広く栽培されている品種群。
Pyrus calleryana - 英名:Callery Pear、和名:マメナシ・イヌナシ
Pyrus communis - 英名:Pear、和名:セイヨウナシ
Pyrus kawakamii - 英名:Evergreen Pear
Pyrus nivalis - 英名:Snow Pear、和名:ユキナシ
Pyrus pashia - 英名:Himalayan Pear, Indian Wild Pear、和名:ヒマラヤナシ - アフガニスタン、ヒマラヤ、中国西部に分布。果実は食用、または観賞用に栽培される。
Pyrus pyraster - 英名:Wild Pear
Pyrus pyrifolia - 英名:Japanese Pear(Chinese Pear)、Sand Pear、和名:ヤマナシ(ニホンナシ)
Pyrus salicifolia - 英名:Willow-Leaved Pear 和名:ヤナギハナシ - 西アジアから中央アジアに分布。若葉は銀白色の綿毛に覆われる。葉はヤナギのように細長く、観賞用には葉が垂れるものもある。
Pyrus ussuriensis - 英名:Ussurian Pear, Chinese Pear、和名:ホクシヤマナシ、チュウゴクナシ
Pyrus ussuriensis var. aromatica - 和名:イワテヤマナシ(ミチノクナシ)
Pyrus ussuriensis var. hondoensis - 和名:アオナシ


Kingdom Plantae -- Plants
Subkingdom Tracheobionta -- Vascular plants
Superdivision Spermatophyta ・Seed plants
Division Magnoliophyta ・Flowering plants
Class Magnoliopsida ・Dicotyledons
Subclass Rosidae ・
Order Rosales ・
Family Rosaceae ・Rose family
Genus Malus P. Mill. ・apple
Species Malus coronaria (L.) P. Mi

Pyrus coronaria
State FLower of Michigan
Apple Blossom

In 1897 Michigan legislators, feeling that "a refined sentiment" called for the naming of a state flower, designated the apple blossom. Joint Resolution 10 of that year noted "one of the most fragrant and beautiful flowered species of apple, the pyrus coronaria, is native to our state." Legislators also proudly declared that "Michigan apples have gained a worldwide reputation." A century later, Michigan ranks second in the nation in apple production.

"Crab" derives from a Norse word meaning scrub or rough, but the true ancestry of the original native species of crab, Malus sylvestris, has been lost in time. We think it was first cultivated by Neolithic cultures in Europe and traces of its existence near settlements from slightly later periods have been recorded ・mainly through remains of apple pips in charcoal.

Apples and crabapples are in the rose family, Rosaceae, in the genus Malus. Crabapples are differentiated from apples based on fruit size. If fruit is two inches in diameter or less, it is termed a crabapple. If the fruit is larger than two inches, it is classified as an apple.

Originally, the group of trees known as crab apples included only the most sour-fruited seedlings from orchard varieties and also native species of apple, but now this group contains all varieties of Malus except those considered to be orchard varieties.

Depending on the cultivar and spring temperatures, full bloom could occur as early as late April or delay until mid-May. Flowers are classified as single (five petals), semi-double (six-ten petals), or double (more than 10 petals). Double-flowering crabapples retain their flowers longer than other types, but fruiting is usually sparse.

Blossom colors range from pearly white through delicate pinks to a deep red. There are even cultivars with coral or salmon colored flowers.




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