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ーー以下は NIC TSE(bass)のノートから転載ーー

Dear friends. As most of you know, The Lovesong has been the primary outlet of my musical passion over the past five years. Through the band, I've had the honour of forming some incredible friendships in and outside of HK, and also had the privilege of visiting/playing in some amazing cities in the region. It's hard to feel it on most days, but hopefully our songs, and also we as people, have inspired others to start a band, or at least opened the minds of people to discover new/different sounds, and that we have done our little bit to make 'the scene' (if we could even call it that) a better one.

Our guitarist Ephraim will, in just over a week, be moving to the US to begin a new and exciting chapter with his wife. They may return to HK at some point, but for the time being, with his absence, we will no longer be functioning as The Lovesong, at least not within the context of live performances. We've always insisted on the band being comprised of a core group of friends, where no one's role is less significant than another.

From day one, the band's been centred on our relationships with one another. We're good friends, who happen to click stylistically and enjoy playing music together. We could always forsake the band, but not our friendships. For this reason, it just doesn't make sense to find a replacement, nor retain the name and trudge on ahead without Ephraim around.

It's been a good run. We definitely didn't set out thinking we'd be doing this for half a decade. During this time, we've experienced some pretty amazing moments, such as the wedding of three of us (four if you include our old drummer Suhail!). If anything, we feel blessed that we can still find time to actively do the band despite being married and holding regular jobs.

To celebrate the great times we've had, as well as to accommodate those who took their sweet time and missed out on a ticket to the Noughts & Exes album launch, we've decided to host a special final show this coming Sunday. Special in the sense that we'll revive some 'classics' from the back catalogue, special in that some of the people we've had the great pleasure of sharing a stage with over the past five years will be joining us for a night of music and good company:

The Pancakes, Yan (Hard Candy), Slash Sakura Slash, The Tranquil Summer Sea, King Ly Chee (fingers crossed)... and a 'surprise band' that needs to remain anonymous due to legal bindings. Possible DJ sets from Andrew (Uncle Joe) and Fourth Culture.

I'd rather call it a 'gathering' than a 'show', a good excuse for us to simply hang out, catch up, and enjoy one another's songs. Shows can get too serious sometime, too pretentious. For everyone who can make it this Sunday, there'll be nothing to prove. No rundown, no headliner, no opener, no egos, no bullshit.

Come hang, sing along, and wish Ephraim farewell! We'll try to wrap the night up relatively early so those of you (and us) who need to work the next morning don't need to call in sick.

Venue: Swindler's, 33 Lockhart Road, Wanchai
Time: 9 pm
Cost: FREE - but it'd be great if you could help out by buying some kind of drink from the bar



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