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?HONG KONG(Reuters)香港(ロイター)
Unhappy with her weight,Charmaine Tong desided two years ago to try a slimming tea,which supposedly contained only traditional Chinese herbs.
 体重に不満をいだいているCharmaine Tongは、伝統的な中国薬用植物だけを含んだ減量茶を二年前に試すことを決心した。

She was overjoyed when she lost her appetite and the bathroom scales began dipping,but her happiness vanished when she began suffering a racing heart beat a month later.

"I chose Chinese medicine as I thought it wouldn't have chemicals and would have fewer side effects,but my heart went out of control,"said Tong,a marketing executive in Hong Kong.

She stopped drinking the tea at once,and has since regained the 3kg she lost,and more.

Pills and teas purporting to "melt away body fat"and help shed unwanted weight are sold widely across Hong Kong.

Growing affluence,a penchant for eating and a sedentary lifestyle have swollen the ranks of people who are over weight or obese in Hong Kong and China,docters say.

Thirty percent of Hong Kong's nearly 7 million people are overweight,double the figure 10 years ago,doctors say.

In China,nearly one in every five Chinese is overweight and there are now at least 60 million Chinese who are obese,according to the British Medical Journal.

It also found that 10 million children between the ages of 7 and 18 were overweight in 2000 in China,28 times more than in 1985. A further 4 million were obese.

Obesity and overweight are major risk factors for serious chronic diseases-such as diabetes,cardiovascular disease,hypertension and stroke,and certain forms of cancer-which caused 60 percent of all deaths worldwide in 2005.

"What we are seeing in our part of the world are people coming in with heart attacks at 40,strokes at 40-ish,kidney problems at 40-ish.Many of these are young mothers still looking after kids and many are breadwinners for the family,"Juliana Chan,a professor of medicine and therapeutics at the Chinse University in Hong Kong,said.
 私たちが、世界の一部で見ているのは、40歳くらいで心臓発作や脳卒中・腎臓の問題です。これらの多く(40歳)はまだ、子どもの世話をしている若い母親です。そして多くは、家族のための稼ぎ手です。とJuliana Chan(香港にある中国大学の治療学の教授)がロイター記者に話した。

”We are going to see a lot of early deaths,disabilities and there will be an enormous burden on the health care system,which can't cope.Lots of young people will come in requiring bypass operations,dialysis,rehabilitation for strokes and our productivity will reduce.”

Apart from eating too much,doing too little exercise and smoking,experts say Asia's weight problem is more pronounced than in the West because of a genetic predisposition to obesity.

”For the same body weight,Asians have more body fat than Caucasians, particularly in the viscera(organs in the abdominal cavity),”said Chan.

"Because of the climate, we are not built to store so much fat ,so it spills into the liver, muscles and pancreas,which is why you hear so much about fatty liver.”



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