

James Marstersコミュの” Harry Dresden”(ハリー・ドレスデン)

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『JMを"Dresden Files"の主役に!!』

The Sci-Fi Channel has begun looking for their Harry Dresden in the 2 hour MOW of “The Dresden Files”. As many of you know, James brought this book to life in the audio version. If you’d like to see James as the lead in this MOW and possible series, feel free to contact the following executives on the project:

Sci-Fiチャンネルがハリー・ドレスデンの映画を計画してるようで、JMがファンに"Dresden Files"の主役(Erik Dresden or Harry Dresden)になれるように、後押しを呼びかけています。
私たちファンにできることといえば、 Sci-Fi Channel のお偉いさんたちに、I want to see James Marsters as Harry Dresden.と書いて手紙を送るくらいだし、短いのでいいからやってみるといいかもしれません。



そして、更に郵送は面倒くさい場合は・・・上記のアドレスのページの下のほうにある「James Is Harry Dresden」という文字をクリックすれば電子メールでも送信することができるようです。

で、ここまで書いておいてなんですが、肝心の「Harry Dresden」ってなんなの?・・・と、いう方に簡単に説明を。
Harry Dresdenは魔法使いで私立探偵。
Jim Butcher 作の Harry Dresdenシリーズを、JMが朗読し、AudioBook(CD)として販売されているのです。
1作目Storm Front 、2作目Fool Moon 、3作目Grave Perilも2005年に発売されました。
CDは、アメリカの発売元Buzzy Multimediaや、Power Starなどで、原作のペーパーバックは日本のAmazonなどでも入手可能です。


Bonnie Hammer (president)
30 Rockefeller Center
NY, NY 10112

Mark Stern (President Original Programming for Sci-Fi Channel)
100 Universal City Plaza
Bldg. 1440, 14th floor
Universal City, CA 91608

Kevin Beggs (Lions Gate Studio)
2700 Colorado Ave.
Santa Monic, CA 90404

SCI FI Unveils New Movies, Shows


JMのオフィシャルサイトによると、結局Harry Dresden役には、Paul Blackthorneが決まったようです。

Thanks to everyone who helped to push James for “Dresden Files”. They have set British actor Paul Blackthorne

主演に決まったPaul Blackthorneは「24」とかに出演している方なので、顔をご存知の方も多いかも・・・・。


" Harry Dresden"のキャスティングの件が妙な感じに・・・・

? Harry Dresden”ムービーのキャスティングの方によると、JMは選ばれなかったのではなく、早い時期に、自分で降りていたらしいですね。 撮影場所や撮影期間のことで、JMのエージェントのほうから条件が合わないので・・・・とオーデションを受ける前に断ってきたようです。
・・・・・それよりも、一番の問題は、? Harry Dresden”側からの正式なキャスティング発表がされる前に、JMのサイトでキャスティングが公表されてしまったことに先方はお怒りのようです。


Okay, I usually don't comment on casting specifics beyond "We just cast ------- and he's great!"

But I do feel people deserve an explanation on the James Marsters thing. So here it is:

James Marsters passed on the part in the very first week of casting.

James was not alone in this. It's a normal part of the process. We made a list of several dozen guys and checked their availabilities. About half of them dropped out at that point because they weren't interested or weren't available. We contacted James' agent and he told us James was passing because he didn't want to move to Toronto for five years.

No harm, no foul. Like I said, this is a normal part of the process.

But then, surprisingly, James' manager posted on his official website and asked the fans to write to SciFi to try to get James the job. Which was mystifying to me, considering that at this point, James had already passed.

I don't know why this happened. The most innocent explanation is that there was a communications failure between James' manager and his agent. But it did mean that many devoted fans spent a lot of time writing letters and postcards that weren't going to do any good because James wasn't interested in the job.

To make things worse, that same person recently posted an update implying that James didn't get the job because we picked someone else. Now I'm not saying James would've gotten the job if he'd thrown his hat in the ring. He might've. He might not've. But the reason James didn't get the job is because James didn't want the job.

Let me reiterate. We were interested in James as one of our candidates. James passed. James passed before the pilot was even officially announced, before the story appeared on his website, before we held a single audition.

Our final candidates emerged from a long process of auditions and test deals. We narrowed over fifty interested actors down to eight or so very talented finalists. The person who will emerge from this group will do so because he is the most talented guy we could find after a long and arduous process.

And we'll tell you who is it as soon as it's officially released to the press. Because that's how things are supposed to be done.

K. End of rant.


PS: Just so everyone knows, I've got no hard feelings toward James. I enjoyed working with James before and I look forward to doing so again. But I can't put a gun to his head and frogmarch him to Toronto if he doesn't want to go


Harry Dresdenシリーズは結構好きなので、こちらの動向も個人的に楽しみにしたいと思います(^^)



そううですよね〜私もHarry Dresdenシリーズがどんな風に映像化されるのか、JM抜きにしても楽しみです。
"Dresden Files"の作者であるJimさんから、映画のキャスティング(・・というかJMの件)についてのコメントが出されています。


From Jim-butcher.com - By Webmaster - 2005-11-12

Jim’s comments, from the McAnally’s list:

I’m sure that many have already heard this one, but it’s official: Paul Blackthorne is Dresden. :)

James would have loved to do the part, but he was unwilling to head to Toronto for five years: he has family growing up in and around LA, and he didn’t want to relocate away from them. It takes a great deal of personal integrity (and considerable wisdom) to realize which things in life are /really/ important. A lot of men wouldn’t have made the same decision when offered the temptation of a feature role, quite possibly leading to an ongoing, starring role as the absolute, uncontested core star of a show.

Ironically, James’ decision in this makes him, at least in my eyes, more Harry-like than ever, and kicks my respect for him up several notches. I’m disappointed—not that he made that decision, which I think is the right one—but that things just didn’t work out. That’s how business goes sometimes. There are no hard feelings on anyone’s side. If the movie goes to a series, though, maybe he could be talked into a guest spot. I can think of several characters, who, if used, James would be great for.

Mr. Blackthorne, according to all reports I’ve heard, is an extremely skilled actor with great presence, and able to do "dark" sorts of scenes and emotions very well. I think he looks remarkably like Connery when he was in "Darby O’Gill and the Little People." You could do worse than a quasi-Connery for a lead actor. :) With luck, I’ll get a chance to visit the set and meet some of the people working on the movie, and give you guys some inside skinny when I return. :)



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