

人外English Cafe英会話と文法コミュの病院へ。。。

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今日、The Economist Onlineの記事で、日本人は、世界一で、病院をよく通っている人らしいです。それは、何でだろうね?


「病院」という言葉は、日本語でのニュアンスと英語のニュアンスは、違います。英語で、病院=hospital. Hospitalを使うと、大きいな病院という意味。たとえば、東京臨海病院とか、順天堂病院とか。英語の先生・友達にhospitalを使うと、本当に大した病気のはず...胃潰瘍とか、がんとか、骨折とか。

普通に、近状の耳鼻科とか、大していない病院だど、the doctor'sという表現を使います。たとえば、上の文章を英語にすると。。。

Sorry I missed class yesterday. I had to go to the doctor's.のほうが普通。




Sorry I missed class yesterday.
Sorry I missed the class yesterday.

the を入れるのと入れないのではどのような違いがありますか?
the doctor's の変わりに (the)clinic は使いますか?

Hi! Thanks for posting.

まず、classとthe classの違いですが、classのみなら、先生と直接話して、彼・彼女のクラスだと、明らかに知っているから、theはいらない。

theを使うなら、多分クラスの名前も使う。I missed the media seminar yesterday.とか、I missed the make-up class yesterday.

The doctor's / the clinic. Clinicとは、普通には、無料の治療を受ける場所。しかも、向こうでは、clinicは、主に性病の関係のニュアンスだから、使わないほうがいいかも。蟹座
Thank you so much!目がハート


I missed your class yesterday. ←なぜ、このようにならないのでしょうか?

いままでClinic使ってました。I'm emberrest!あせあせ
Hi there.
It was good to know "Clinic" mean.

I thought "go to see a doctor".
Is this also natural??
Hi Mike !!
I am yaya. Long time no see. I hope you remember me.
How are your eyes after Lasik?

I work at eye clinic.
I am receptionist and I exam eyesight for patients.


眼科医はeye doctorですか?

>I missed your class yesterday. ←なぜ、このようにならないのでしょうか?

いや、これもよく使うよ!逆に、私が書いた表現よりも、これは一番自然な言い方指でOK. Clinicは、恥ずかしく思わないで。いろいろなクリニックがあるから、先生が絶対にかんちがっていないよ。

Doggy: Yes, "go to see a doctor" is just fine 病院

Yaya: Hi again!! Nice to see you back here :) Yes, my eyes
are great now. Well, at night, they get kind of weak and
not so clear, but I'm very glad I had it done!! As for your
sentences, don't forget "a", OK :) Also, examen.

I work at an eye clinic.
I am a receptionist and I examen eyesight for patientsは、OKだけど、
I do eye examinations for patients.のほうがいいかな?

眼科医は、くだけた英語では、eye doctorでOK. ちゃんとした言葉は、
Ophthalmologist. Ophthalmologyっていうのは、眼科の勉強の名前。
Hi, Mike!!
Thank you for your reply.
I have one more question. How do you say 診察代 in English?
doctor's fee?
This is first time to join your topics.
It is nice to see you and everybody ^ ^v

I have a question about the English related with 病院.
I've been working at community pharmacy.
I'd like to know the English which is not only for patients but also for medical stuffs.

Few days ago, I had a patient who comes from America.
She had prescription,then I dispensed her medicines.
I could explain about the medicines in English.
At that time,I wondered how I could say at first of conversations.
" How are you?? " is a bit unsuitable for patients from pharmacist, I think.

I went to a phamacy several times when I lived in NZ.
But I can't remember what pharmacists said to me at first. it wasn't " how are you?"

How can I greet a patients as natural at pharmacy??

Please give me your help!!
Hi Sachi,

Well, in most service positions in the west, there are
two ways of starting a conversation.

1. With a casual greeting:
Hi there, how are you today? How can I help you?

or straight down to business:

Customer: Hi, I have a prescription I need filled.
You: Certainly, how can I help you?

But as a general rule, foreigners in Japan LOVE IT
when a Japanese staff just says hello and has a
friendly chat. It almost never happens here, because
employees are taught to always say the same
things: いっらしゃいませ or お待たせしました。 That kind
of thing. In English or in Japanese -- human and
unpredictable contact with strangers is something that
every foreigner I work with misses. So feel free to
just smile and chat for a few seconds before getting
down to business.

Anyway Sachi, I'm glad you decided to post in the
community. I hope you'll ask any time you have a
question, or to help other people with their learning
(as your English is fantastic!!!)
Thank you so much, Mike!!

It is a big help for me.
I just want to make sure one more thing!


Mikeさんがおっしゃるとおり、Hello, How are you??はとても広い意味があると思います。海外にいるときは、友達とも、スーパーやレストランに行ったときも、散歩ですれ違った知らない人とでも(笑)こうやって挨拶を笑顔とともに交わしていました。


患者さん=『具合が良くない方』に" Hello, How are you?? " と聞くのが、相手にとって失礼な言い方にならないかどうかが心配でした。

日本語で使われる言い回しが、英語にその習慣さえない場合もあるので、そのあたりが英語を学んでいる上で難しいなと思うところで、逆に英語の言い回しがとても広く使われることがあるので、今回もHow are you?にどういう意味まで含まれるんだろう?と考えてしまいした。


Next time patients who comes from oversea come up to my pharmacy, I'll chat with them as you said!!

I didn't like English when I was a student. BUT I really love English since I realised English is a kind of tool to comunicate with people. I'm still learning English, so I believe I can get some help from this communitiy. Also I hope I could help other people with their learning!
Hi Sachi :)
Thanks for posting. And your English is great!! WOw! So I see that you like English AND you are very good at it :)

>自分の中のイメージなのですが、 患者さん=『具合が良くない方』
>に" Hello, How are you?? " と聞くのが、相手にとって失礼な

まず、薬局によってくる人たちは、必ずしも具合悪いとはいえないです。例えば、お母さんのための薬を取りに来るひととか、自分の薬なのに、別に元気ない人じゃないときとか。そして、How are youって、rhetorical questionだから、本当に答えを請求していない。ただの挨拶として使われているから、元気ないのに、OK thanksしか答えないはず。だから、母国語英語の人からみれば、絶対に失礼じゃないから、use it any time you want :)

ちなみに、英語で薬局で、、「今日はどうなさったんですか??」よりも、普通のretial storeみたいに、How can I help you? とか、What can I do for you todayしか言わないですね。

Did that help at all??
Your answer is exactly what I want to know. great!!
Thank you very much!!

Anyway, I'm happy to hear what you think about my English!! I haven't studied Enlsigh at all, BUT I have learned English for long time! it is also increasing the opportunity I have patients who come from oversea. So I'm learning English!!

I can tell you honestly... I just want to chat with them!! Hahaha!!

Hi Sachi:

>I just want to chat with them!!

Well, I bet that most of them want to chat with
you, too. You know, the most common complaint I
hear from foreigners is that in shops and restaurants
and so on, the workers never just have a くだけだ会話
with you. It's just formal and rehearsed language.
So foreigners LOVE IT when somebody in a shop
actually just wants to have friendly talk :) 獅子座
Hmmmm... stomachache 編集?

Well, unfortunately, I'm not sure about きりきり痛い and the others. But here are some expressions:

本当に痛いなら: I have a stomach ache.

My stomach feels kind of funny.
Well, I watch my health quite carefully -- I eat a lot of fruits and veggies (I just microwaved a container full of frozen broccoli,
peas and green and red peppers for a late-night snack).
And I try to hit the gym 3 or 4 days a week. I went today
for about an hour -- I did 20 minutes of squash, plus
40 minutes on the step machine.

Still, when I feel that something is wrong, I go
straight to the doctor to get it checked out. I always
think it's better to be safe than sorry.

So your stomach really felt funny today? I hope you're
feeling better now :)
Odorin: まず、「お兄さん」にして くれて(叔父さんではなく) ありがとう!ハート達(複数ハート)

Yes, "I have butterflies in my stomach" = super nervous.


Mike: I'm so nervous about my new job. I don't think I can do it!

Odorin: Relax. It's just butterflies. You'll do fine.


Great post!!!
Nope. Butterflies call for a strong drink to calm the nerves, but not a doctor's visit. lol
more speaking of stomachache.

i have a stomachache..... only I know this expression.

but there are many kinds of pain... like Odorin asked above.

切りきり痛い・・・I have a stomachache
お腹が気持ち悪い・・・My stomach feels kind of funny

Ok, then

"I have a stomachache"
when I heard this, I don't know what is the pain like,,,,胃?下腹(お腹こわした状態)?


How do you say these?
first, just say "I have a stomachache"? and then add something detail?

Hello Mike =) it's been a while ever since my last post in this community!

>25. babyさん

i think i can help you with your questions; since it's related to my profession ;-)

きりきり痛い=sharp pain.
it almost has an epicenter and feels like someone's sticking a needle into you.
Sharp pain is a short-term pain that may appear in bursts and is identified to have a particular known cause.

ず〜んと痛い(鈍い痛み)=dull pain.
it is a generally like a constant spread out pain.

* i have(am having) stomach ache.
* i have (am having) stomach cramps.

*i have (am having) abdominal pains/cramps.

*i am having an upset stomach.

*i am having(have been having) diarrhea.

*i feel nauseous.

i have a pain right below the sternum, (in the pit of the stomach.)
>Asian Quongju

Oh thank you for good answers. I have said only "I have a stomach ache." up to now. lol
I can tell more detail when I have a "stomachache" hereafter. :D
I hope I don't have so many chances to tell these things, though. :)

I just say.... when I am on my period, I have dull pain.
Alley!!! You're back. And what a great post. Thanks so much. We missed you tons :)
>27.  をどりんさん

Thank you. That is so sweet of you!

the weather is getting colder quickly, and I think everyone is struggling to adjust to the temperature change.

Please keep yourself warmうれしい顔

>28. babyさん

i am glad it helped you somehow!
Like you said, it's better if you don't need to use those expressions though!

I hope your cramps has got better!
please take care.

>29. Mikeさん

Hi. thank you for having welcomed me back!
It makes me really happy (*^^*)



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