

バラック・オバマ 2008!コミュのJoe the Plumber

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Real Deal on ‘Joe the Plumber’ Reveals New Slant

The New York Times Oct. 16, 2008

One week ago, Joe Wurzelbacher was just another working man living in a modest house outside Toledo, Ohio, and thinking about how to buy the plumbing business where he works. But when he stopped Senator Barack Obama during a visit to his block last weekend to complain about taxes, he set himself on a path to becoming America’s newest media celebrity ― and as such suddenly found himself facing celebrity-level scrutiny.

As it turns out, Joe the Plumber, as he became nationally known when Senator John McCain made him a theme at Wednesday’s final presidential debate, may work in the plumbing business, but he is not a licensed plumber.

Thomas Joseph, the business manager of Local 50 of the United Association of Plumbers, Steamfitters and Service Mechanics, based in Toledo, said Thursday that Mr. Wurzelbacher had never held a plumber’s license, which is required in Toledo and several surrounding municipalities. He also never completed an apprenticeship and does not belong to the plumber’s union, which has endorsed Mr. Obama. On Thursday, he acknowledged that he does plumbing work even though he does not have a license.

His full name is Samuel J. Wurzelbacher. And he owes back taxes, too, public records show. The premise of his complaint to Mr. Obama about taxes may also be flawed, according to tax analysts. Contrary to what Mr. Wurzelbacher asserted and Mr. McCain echoed, neither his personal taxes nor those of the business where he works are likely to rise if Mr. Obama’s tax plan were to go into effect, they said.

None of that is likely to matter to those who see Mr. Wurzelbacher as a symbol of the entrepreneurial spirit they hope to foster with tax cuts, but even Mr. Wurzelbacher said he was shocked by all the attention.

“I’m kind of like Britney Spears having a headache,” he told The Associated Press on Thursday. “Everybody wants to know about it.”

Just five days ago, Mr. Wurzelbacher, 34, lived in anonymity in Holland, Ohio, a single father who, as he said on national television, worked all day and came home to fix dinner and help his son, 13, with his homework.

But he became the hero of conservatives and Republicans when he stopped Mr. Obama, who was campaigning on his street, and asked whether he believed in the American dream. Mr. Wurzelbacher said he was concerned about having to pay higher taxes as an owner of a small business.

“I’m getting ready to buy a company that makes $250,000 to $280,000 a year,” he told Mr. Obama. “Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?”

That encounter wound up on YouTube and led to appearances on the Fox News Channel, interviews with conservative bloggers and a New York Post editorial, all of whom seized on a small part of Mr. Obama’s long reply. “I think that when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody,” Mr. Obama had said.

Mr. McCain invoked Mr. Wurzelbacher in Wednesday’s debate as a way to criticize Mr. Obama’s tax plan and wealth-sharing argument, and picked up the theme again on Thursday.

“You know what Senator Obama had to say to Joe? That he wanted to spread his wealth around,” Mr. McCain said at an event in Downingtown, Pa. “America didn’t become the greatest nation on earth by spreading the wealth,” he said. “We became the greatest nation by creating new wealth.”

After some version of “Joe the Plumber” was mentioned two dozen times during the debate, Mr. Wurzelbacher found news crews outside his home and Katie Couric on the phone.

Mr. Wurzelbacher told reporters that the company he works for, Newell Plumbing & Heating, has two full-time employees: himself and the owner, Al Newell.

Neither Mr. Newell nor Mr. Wurzelbacher responded to telephone calls. And Mr. Wurzelbacher has provided only vague information on his and the company’s finances since talking to Mr. Obama. But if the plumbing business remained a two-person company and the net proceeds ― after deductions for business expenses ― were shared by the two men, both incomes would most likely fall well below the top tax brackets on which Mr. Obama wants to raise rates, as would the company itself.

Both, in fact, would probably be eligible for a tax cut, said Bob Williams, senior research associate at the independent, nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, though the cut would probably be greater under Mr. McCain’s tax plan than Mr. Obama’s.

According to public records, Mr. Wurzelbacher has been subject to two liens, each over $1,100. One, with a hospital, has been settled, but a tax lien with the State of Ohio is still outstanding.

In his interview with Ms. Couric, Mr. Wurzelbacher, who voted Republican in Ohio’s March primary, said that his encounter with Mr. Obama had been prompted by his desire “to ask one of these guys a question, and really corner them and get them to answer a question for once instead of tap dancing around it. And unfortunately I asked the question, but I still got a tap dance.”

He added, “He was almost as good as Sammy Davis Jr.”


A W Newell Inc (Newell Plumbing)

**** Cowan St, Toledo, OH

Phone: (419) 472 - ****

Also Does Business As:Newell Plumbing

SIC:Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning

Line of Business:Plumbing/Heating/Air Cond Contractor

Detailed A W Newell Inc Company Profile

This company profile is for the private company A W Newell Inc, located in Toledo, OH. Newell Plumbing's line of business is plumbing/heating/air cond contractor.

Company Profile: A W Newell Inc

Year Started:1996

State of Incorporation:N/A


Location Type:Single Location

Stock Symbol:N/A

Stock Exchange:N/A

Also Does Business As:Newell Plumbing


SIC #Code:1711

Est. Annual Sales:$100,000

Est. Employees:2

Est. Employees at Location:2
As you see if you read and understand who this "Joe the Plumber " guy , he is just a redneck racist !

He doesn't even have a license to work as a plumber , so what exactly business he plans to buy which makes $250,000 to $280,000 a year ?

A company he works for is Newell Plumbing makes only $100,000 annually.

Fuck the Joe Plumber !

This whole McCain Campaign is unreal and surreal.

この Joe Wurzelbacher ってやつは、 

13歳までフロリダ州で育ち、現在はオハイオ州在住ですが、 1992 から 1995 の間は the U.S. Air Force に入隊してて、アラスカ州のある米軍基地に 住んでいたそうです。 1997年 から 2000年はアリゾナ州にも住んだ事があります。

アリゾナ、フロリダ、アラスカ、オハイオ ???   何か、、、怪しいよね? 

ちなみに、彼を名前から判断すると、ドイツ系アメリカ人と思われます。 彼のラストネーム Wurzelbacher は ドイツでも かなり古い名前です。  典型的な アングロサクソン白人ですね。

Now McCain and his supporters are attacking Democrats for "digging too much information on Joe the Plumber," but as I recall, McCain and other Republicans first introduced this guy!
このJoe the plumber...15-minutes of fameのチャンスを得ただけでも有り難いと思えばよいのに、今度は次期のCongressに出馬しないか?!と周りが盛り上げている有るそうな…。(絶句)
金曜日の夜にCNNのCampbell BrownのNo Bull, No Bias観ていたら、そんなレポートが有り、ソファからずり落ちそうになった。Campbellも、「15-minutesで終わらなくって、30-minutes of fameになってやれやてって思ってたら、今度はCongressですってー?!」ってガクゼンとしてましたよ。

余談ですが、ピッツバーグで共和党の若いボランティアが物取りの黒人に襲われて殴られ、車のバンパーにマケイン・ペイリンのステッカーを貼っているのを見られて、「オバマを指示しろ」と頬に“B”の字を刻んだ事件がやらせだったとニュースに出ましたねぇ。「黒人に襲われた」なんてでっち上げて、Racial Profilingも良いとこです。狂信者(Diehard Follower)って、怖い…。

FOX Newsでそのニュースを見たら、コメント欄に


Joe the Plumberが出馬する方が、日本のタレントたちが永田町に出馬するよりずっと聞こえがいいような気がするのは私だけ??



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