

E.W.Sコミュのyour own reflection

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what is your favorite phrase?

When we are in troubles, at a loss, or depressed, some phrases or words can make us feel confortable, get back hopes,and have motivations to go forward.

Each of us probably have one or so phrases like that.

Today, I came across one phrase; People around you are mirrors which reflect you. Namely, people around you are yourself.

For example, if attractive men&women like butterflies gather around you, you are beautiful flowers, on the contrary, if disgusting fellows like annoying flies often come to you, you are a shit.

How do you feel about it?

What kind of people do you make friends?

Your friends may represent yourself.

As for me, I have both types of friends or acquaitances.

Some are[were]good, interesting, cool, considerate and even worth respecting, others are [were] not, given through my life time.

when I rethink about this phrase, I can find myself to be what kind of person. In most cases, the attempt can make me notice that I am a trivial, non-attractive, and poor-mind man.

However, I can also be aware of my failures or my personality. This will be a way to further improvements of mine.

We can receive this proverb positively, We will be able to know ourselves.

Let's think about it!

What can you see in your own mirror?


Last Year, I had a good friend,belonging same class.
She said same things that your neighbor and friends are reflect yourself,mirror.
It means, I think that we all human-beings have both negative and positive aspect.

But whatever impession we feel to others, any friends are important that no one might be replaced.

I do think so GENts.
Surely,I also have both aspects,and super-agree with you.[I've wanted to say this word since before]

What I wanted to say from my essay was that,it cannot be until we see ourselves from third person's point of view by refrections that can notice who we really are.

As for me, occasionary,I am unaware of faults of mine than I've expected, and apt to surpress them unintentionally or unconsiously.

Imagine, we can find various defects of others more easily than good-points of people around us,despite whether we say to someone or not.

Maybe, we tend to be afraid of being damaged and conserve or justify our own circumstances by speaking ill of or thinking less of others.

It can be aplly to myself,as a matter of course.

I become to feel the fact I don't know myself,actually.

By perceiveing myself subjectively and objectively, by seeing from inside and outside, it will be obvious that there are invisible differences between my view and other

so, I was pleased to rethink about it, I thank for giving me the chance.

As you said before, any friends are important.

because they and me are two sides of the same coin.
Thank you for your super-agree.

I like this word ‘super-agree’because, you know, this phrase was used by one women in open-discussion.
When she used this phrase, the atomosphere in my table was changed a lot and makes us feeling relaxed.

Like you said the comments above, I strongly think that we have haughty aspect in the center of our mind. But quarreling this aspect is none of our business because the important thing is not quarrelig but find the way to live generously.

So today I give you one super-lovely phrase.

‘The objective is the faith(religion) of ourselves ’
 it means in Japanese理想とは己の宗教である.

Oh what a wonderful word is this!! Don't you think so??

IN this globlizing world, everybody can be affected by the massive information. Namely, our mind always move about in confusion up and down. But If we don't lose sight of our own objective, we are able to proceed forward any time.

Ladies and gentlemen, now is the time to blew new puff of wind to improve our own idea.

Thank you.



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