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10 Day Retreat 6 Ayahuasca Ceremonies, One Kambo and Rapé Ceremony One Shamburo Ceremony and a Master Plant Diet Marosa Ayahuasca Center


8 Ayahuasca ceremonies, 2 Shamburo ceremonies, a master plant diet specific to you chosen by the shamans to produce the deepest healing for you, two steam baths and two floral baths.

You will have plenty of time to relax and enjoy our beautiful property in the heart of the Allpahuayo-Mishana National Reserve. On nights of ceremonies you will have breakfast around 9:00, lunch around 1:00, then at 8:00 our ceremony begins.
About This Event
Marosa Ayahuasca Center is owned by Angela Sanchez Rioz and the ceremonies are conducted by her, her brother, Felipe Ochavano, and his son, Felipe Segundo Ochavano, and as a family they provide the highest quality shamanic healing. Most Ayahuasca centers are owned by westerns that hire shamans to work for them, but here at Marosa, the center is owned by the indigenous Shipibo healers, creating the most authentic experience possible. Marosa offers an exclusive plant medicine called Shamburo, which is a visionary purgative medicine that cleans out toxins from drugs, alcohol and unclean diets, and gives you intense, vivid dreams that shed light on your problems and attachments that keep you from realizing your potential. After drinking Shamburo you will be more receptive to the visions and teachings of Ayahuasca, giving you the most transformative experience possible. We will also offer a master plant diet specific to you that will help you heal and connect even deeper.

I've been to two of the highest rated Ayahuasca centers in Iquitos, and my experience at Marosa was by far the best. The shamans were amazing, and I could really feel the difference having them be in the same family.
What's Included
This includes a two week stay with 3 meals a day on days with no ceremonies, two meals a day on days with ceremonies. Two steam baths, two flower baths 8 Ayahuasca ceremonies, two Shamburo ceremonies and a master plant diet. We will pick you up from the airport and take you to our beautiful center.

Venue Highlights
Marosa Ayahuasca Center is located about an hour outside the city of Iquitos in the beautiful Allpahuayo-Mishana National Reserve. This is a perfect place to relax and connect with the plants, yourself and the universe. On days without ceremonies we will have jungle tours where you can see the beautiful nature, and some of the medicine plants we use for our master plant diets.

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