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またストーカー? (The Stalker Again?)


Hello all. How's your day? I hope you have a good day.
I move my stuffs at the new house 3rd of March. I lived in my family's woned house but I am going to study at school from this April. The school located the center of the city. And I decided to live near there. I could put on most of all stuffs in new house. But I have problems already.
One of the largest problem is this. I was followed someone when I walked around my house with my caregiver. I called police but they couldn't catch him even some people see his face. I have to be very careful but I can not see a face of him because I am blind. It is very big problem and I get scared. I want to focus on studing for national exam. I am thinking what can I do to protect myself.
(I forgot to tell you but I was a victim of a stalker when I was a university student for 4 years.)

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