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Khipshang or the Wolfdog

We have been photographing it for hours on a carcass of an Yak in the plains of Changthang and seen how agrressive and ferociously it behaved with it's small size and how it went after the wolves many a times and engaged into a fight to keep them away from it's food. But later mutually decided to eat together. We have drawn many conclusions, whether it's a wolf or a fox, but what it turns out finally is a Wolfdog, a natural cross-breed between a wolf and a dog, locally called Khipshang. Though it is very hard to conclude without any medical evidence but atleast the experts in Ladakh finally concluded what it actually is.

Unlike wolves or dogs they have a distinctive feature and different behavioral trait. Known for their agrressive and sly nature. There has also been one or two incidents of Khipshang attacking and killing human child in the past few years. It is definetely a rare find as you don't get to see a Wolfdog regularly.

Ladakh, Nov 2022.
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