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18960514 NO3923 日本およびロシア両国公使が協議の後交換した覚書

18960514 NO3923 日本およびロシア両国公使が協議の後交換した覚書
008_0050_0670 駐韓日本公使館記録 8巻 五. 欧文電報往復控 二 (67) [日本およびロシア両国公使が協議の後交換した覚書]
文書題目 (67) [日本およびロシア両国公使が協議の後交換した覚書]
発信日 Sd. 5.50 P.M. 14/5, 1896 ( 1896年 05月 14日 )
発信者 小村 (*小村寿太郎・駐韓弁理公使)
受信者 陸奧 (*陸奥 宗光)

(67) [日本およびロシア両国公使が協議の後交換した覚書]
To 陸奧
(3) Memorandum.
The Representatives of Russia and Japan at 京城 having conferred under the identical instructions from their respective governments have arrived at the following conclusions:
1) While leaving the matter of His Majesty’s return to the palace entirely to his own discretion and judgement the Representatives of Russia and Japan will friendly advise His Majesty to return to that palace, when no doubts concerning his safety there could be entertained.
The Japanese Representative, on his part, gives the assurance, that the most complete and effective measures will be taken for the control of Japanese 壯士.
2) The present Cabinet ministers have been appointed by His Majesty from his own free will and most of them held ministerial or other high offices during the last two years and are known to be liberal and moderate men.
The two Representatives will always aim at recommending to His Majesty to appoint liberal and moderate men as ministers and to show clemency to his subjects.
3) The Representative of Russia quite agrees with Representative of Japan that at the present state of affairs in Corea it may be necessary to have Japanese guards stationed at some places for the protection of the Japanese telegraph line between Fusan and Seoul, and that these guards, now consisting of three companies of soldiers, should be withdrawn as soon as possible and replaced by gendarmes, who will be distributed as follows: fifty men at Taiku, fifty men at Hamheung and ten men each at ten intermediate posts between Fusan & Seoul.
This distribution may be liable to some changes, but the total number of the gendarme force shall never exceed two hundred men, who will afterwards gradually be withdrawn from such places, where peace and order has been restored by the Corean Government.
4) For the protection of the Japanese settlements at Seoul and the open ports against possible attacks by the Corean populace, two companies of Japanese troops may be stationed at Seoul, one company at Fusan and one at Gensang, each company not to exceed two hundred men. These troops will be quartered near the settlements and shall be withdrawn as soon as no apprehension of such attacks could be entertained. For the protection of the Russian Legation and Consulates the Russian Government may also keep guards not exceeding the number of Japanese troops at those places and which will be withdrawn as soon as tranquillity in the interior is completely restored.
Sd. 5.50 P.M. 14/5, 1896

(67) [日本およびロシア両国公使が協議の後交換した覚書]

(3) 覚書
1) 国王の遷宮問題は全面的に国王自身の自由裁量と判断に任せ、ロシア及び日本代表は宮中での彼の安全に関しいかなる疑いもないと考えられれば還宮するよう友好的な勧告をする。日本代表は日本人壮士たちの取り締まりのため最も完全で効果的な措置を取ることを保障する。
2) 現在の内閣大臣たちは国王自身の自由意思により、国王から任命されたのであり、彼等の大部分はこれまで二年間大臣職あるいはそのほかの高位職を務めており、寛大で穏健な人物としてみな知られている。
3) ロシア代表は次の事項に日本代表と完全に意見を同じくする。:
大邱 50名、咸興 50名、そして釜山とソウルの間の10ヵ所の中間地点に各10名ずつ。
4) 朝鮮人たちによって起こり得る襲撃に備えソウルと開港場の日本人居留地域の保護のためソウルに2個中隊、釜山と元山にそれぞれ1個中隊ずる日本軍兵力を駐屯させることができるが、各中隊は200名を超過することはできない。
1896年 5月 14日 午後 5時 50分 発信

〈*尾上敏子 韓国語訳から和訳〉

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