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LDP's Japan is an Bullying Nation

LDP's MP, SUGITA Mio says that
you cannot use tax money for the
LGBT people who (she thinks) do not procreate.
(She presented her theory with the word "productivity," however.)

It is our politics riddance of minority policies,
Nazi-like eugenics.

But when you put these things in the Japanese picture,
some things make sense.

LDP's Japan is a upsized version of an
elementary school with ringering ijime (bullying).
That's my opionion.

To see it from the other side,
you can say that Japanese elementary
school classes cannot rid ijime
because adults in the society at large
are exactly performing ijime on
minority people.

After all the media and internet attention,
Ms. SUGITA says her opions are
supported by the LDP's minister-level

Under such a LDP regime,
it is most important to be in the mainstream.
Even if you don't belong to the mainstream,
pretend you belong to the mainstream.
If you fail to do so, you will be bullied by the
ijimekkos in the mainstream
and your existence will be overlooked.
That's what I worry about the
LDP-led Japanese society.

This is not only problem for the LGBT.
If you belong to a minority group
by any reasons, you will be bullied
on an equality basis.

On the other hand, those people
close to the mainstream of the mainstreams,
PM ABE are set aside and
receive special favors.

That kinds of favoring and bullying
are the characteristics of LDP-led
Japanese society at large
and also elementary school
classes which cannot rid ijime.

This is an ijime society,
so even those who are not much favored
by the mainstream, try to act like
they belong to the mainstream
without much thinking about consequences.

That is LDP-led present-day Japan.
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